Better Than I Know Myself

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Adam linked arms with his dad. He looked down the aisle to see Sauli standing at the other end. The music started, Adam looked to his right to see Ashley, Tommy, Rick, and Brian playing the tune of Better Than I Know Myself, the song Adam had dedicated to Sauli after they had broken up, the song title that Adam had mentioned in his promise with Sauli at the airport and in his proposal. They all smiled at him and he smiled back. Adam and his father started to walk down the aisle. Adam reached Sauli and they held hands, gazing into each other’s bright blue eyes. Ashley, Tommy, Brian, and Rick joined the best men and women. The priest began to speak, Sauli and Adam repeated what he said when asked to do so.

“Sauli Eerik Koskinen, do you take Adam Mitchel Lambert to be your lawful wedded husband?” The priest said.

“I do.” Sauli said smiling and tightening his grip on Adam’s hands.

“Adam Mitchel Lambert, do you take Sauli Eerik Koskinen to be your lawful wedded husband?” The priest continued.

“I do.” Adam said smiling back at Sauli, squeezing his hands.

“It is my privilege to stand here on the seventeenth of March, to pronounce you Adam Mitchel Lambert and you Sauli Eerik Koskinen as husbands for life. You may now kiss your husband.” The priest said finally. Adam pulled Sauli in for a very long and passionate kiss.

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