Time For Miracles

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Adam parked his car out in front of the airport, threw on his emergency lights, jumped out, and ran into the airport. He looked around and ran to the front desk.

“Hi, has the plane to Finland left yet?” He asked out of breath.

“No, but there aren’t any more tickets available fo-“

“Great thanks, do you know where they board.” He asked. He was talking so fast and she was shocked at how quickly he cut her off.

“Yes, straight down that way, to your left, right past the Starbucks.” She said.

“Thank you!” He yelled running down the hall. People yelled at him for running and tried to get him to slow down, but he didn’t care. He ran as fast as he could and once he got past the Starbucks he looked straight to his left and saw people boarding onto a plane. He scanned the room quickly for beautiful blonde hair. He couldn’t find him. Was I really too late? He asked himself. He shook the thought out of his head and continued to search. He saw the sign that said ‘Now Boarding: LA to Finland. 8:15pm. Adam started to search even more frantically now. He looked at the man scanning the plane tickets and out of the corner of his eye; he saw it, blonde hair. His eyes focused on the person. He froze, it was Sauli. He wanted to see Sauli before he left for Finland, but now that he was here he didn’t know what to do. He sat there staring at Sauli’s hair thinking of what to do. He watched Sauli give the man the ticket and watched the man scan the ticket. All the memories they had together came crawling back to him. Every single one flooded his thoughts and for a second he was calm and happy, replaying every second he spent with Sauli in his head. Then he remembered what he was here for, to see Sauli, not to remember him. He blinked a couple times and focused his eyes back on the spot where Sauli was standing, except it wasn’t him anymore, it was a family of red-heads. His eyes widened and he got very nervous. So he ran. He ran past everyone that was in line to board the plane. He ran past the security guards that tried stopping him from intruding onto the plane. He ran past everyone until he got to Sauli. The second he reached Sauli, he put his hand on Sauli’s shoulder and spun him around. Adam wrapped one arm around Sauli’s waist and placed the other on his cheek. He gazed at Sauli’s soft pink lips and without hesitation, kissed them. Sauli was so surprised at first but he didn’t care. Adam had come all this way, did all these things, just to get him back and it was working. Sauli dropped his suitcase and wrapped his arms around Adam’s neck and kissed him back. Adam managed to sneak his tongue in and Sauli was not surprised. Adam could feel Sauli smile and they continued to kiss. After a while they pulled away and smiled at each other, they quickly kissed again. Sauli grabbed his suitcase and Adam’s hand and they walked out of the plane together smiling, holding hands, and occasionally looking at each other.

“Hey, I have to go cancel my plane ticket and get back my other suitcase, mind waiting outside for a minute?” Sauli asked still smiling.

“Not at all Sunshine.” Adam smiled at him and kissed him gently again. “See you in a bit.” Adam said then walked outside. Sauli watched him leave, checking him out in the process.

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