If I Had You

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“After all that!?” Ashley said outraged.

“You know, I would never treat you like that Adam!” Tommy said proudly. Ashley and Adam turned at looked at him confused.

“I-I mean, if I was gay.” Tommy added. They turned back around and looked at each other, still a bit confused, but they both shook it off and focused on the subject.

“I can’t believe after you did all that for him he just crushes you!” Ashley said.

“What’s going on?” Rick asked.

“Adam takes Sauli out to the restaurant where they spent their One Year Anniversary, Sauli wore the outfit Adam bought him and ever put on glitter eye shadow and lipstick!” Ashley yelled.

“Aww, that’s sweet. What’s so bad about that?” Rick asked.

“Well! After they eat the EXPENCIVE dinner that Adam pays for, Sauli tells Adam that he knows Adam still likes him but they can’t get back together and that they need a break from hanging out because Adam is getting the wrong damn impression! Oh and may I just add the fact that Sauli is leaving back to Finland in a couple weeks!” Ashley continued to yell.

“Ashley please.” Adam said

“Sorry, but this is ridiculous!” Ashley was angrier than Adam. But Adam was more hurt than angry.

“Aw man, I’m so sorry dude.” Rick was shocked from Ashley’s yelling, the fact that Sauli had said that, and that Adam was so hurt. Rick hugged Adam and promised Adam that he’d be there for him then walked back into his room.

“This is so stupid! Adam give me your phone, I need to talk to him!” Ashley demanded.

“No, Ashley please.” Adam said in a quiet voice.

“Adam!” Ashley yelled.

“Ashley!” Tommy yelled louder. “Leave him alone right now! He can handle it himself okay? It’s one thing to be mad at Sauli for hurting Adam but you can’t do everything for him! This is his relationship not yours.” Tommy continued.

“You’re right. I’m sorry Adam.” She sat down next to him and leaned on his shoulder.

“It’s okay mother.” Adam joked.

“He may be sad, but he never loses his humor.” Tommy said smiling.

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