Chapter 12: There will be blood.

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Artemis' POV:

"Artemis... Artemis... Wake up!" It's Holly's voice. I opened my eyes. Holly is beside me. There's a screen on our front. We are tied and can't do anything for now. There a door far left on us and it opened. Few goblins enter and the one and only, Opal Koboi.

"Hello guys. Nice to see you. Anything to ask? C'mon. Don't be shy."

"What are you trying to do this time?" Holly  asked.

"Well, I was trying to make myself a super pixie you didn't expect. A hybrid." We just only look at her.

"What? You don't believe me. Guess I have to give you a little lecture. Hybrid are not simply half of this and half of that. They have twice speed, intelligence, strength. Let's say, I'm already one and we played strategy games like chess. You move your piece by then, I will analyzed what are the possibilities of me losing by that move and turn the tables around. Simply saying, I already know what you will do before you do it. Isn't that amazing?!"

So that's how Dianne do that. I feel like a little cheated.

"Nothing else?" Opal asked us.

"Good mood, uh."

"Of course, after all, you won't be able to do anything. But to sit there and wait for your own demise." Then she take out a syringe.

"What are you going to do?"

"Take your blood, of course."

"What if we restrain?"

"Restrain and they'll die." One of the goblins switched on the screen and Beckett and Myles appear tied and there's a gun near their head and humans, ready to shoot... Humans?

"You may be asking but I hire this Spiro guy. We came from different dimension so it's not that really shocking why he is alive and me..."

"We don't have a choice do we?" Holly said.

"We always have a choice, and not restraining is better."

"Good." As she came near and get our blood.

"What about..." I said... But not finishing it.

"Your parents? Alive and kicking don't worry, with two goblins disguising as those kids." I just keep quiet.

"See you when I'm undefeated." After that she left. The goblins stayed as guard.

"You know, Foaly still on the line." I look at her smiled. There is something we did.

"Butler and Dianne?" One of the goblins must have heard this and switch the view on screen making it like viewing on the surveillance camera, Myles and Beckett on the left, Butler, and Dianne.

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