Addys Story

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*Kalani POV I bet you are wondering who he is. So i'll tell you the story. It was March 18, 2006. I was at Addys house, I was 4 and she was 5. We were playing with our Barbies when we heard a gunshot. It was Mr.Moffett. There he was. With the gun in his hand, blood on the ground. Addy yelled," died!" Then she came running up the stairs with a piping bag in her hand.. Did I mention it was Addys birthday. Yeah. So that was Addys  birthday present. So when we went in to the room that he died in, we saw a note. It said,"Sorry family. I can't live anymore. My work is stressfull. I love you addy. Never forget that.

A/n sry for the short chapter. Really lazy 💤💤💤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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