Hogwart students read fan fictions

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The Hogwarts Student Read Harry Potter Fan Fictions.

Harry: Oh my Merlin! I would never... *shudder* Malfoy.

Draco: How dare you use my name Potter!

Hermione: Oh! Look at this one! It's about draco and some random chick called... Alice.

Draco: How dare you speak mudblood- what?

Ron: Yeah, some girl named Alison and you fall in love!

Harry: EWWWWW!!! Its another Malfoy and Potter one!!! *girlish squeal then faints*

Draco: *barf*

Ron: Draco had chicken!!

Hermione: Ewww! Ron! That's gross!

Ron: Hermione! You've been cheating on me with Malfoy?!

Hermione: No, never Ron!

*Draco stops barfing and walks back*

Draco: Me with that mudblood.. Ha! No... *cough*

Hermione: *slaps Draco* Shut up, Draco!

*Harry wakes up*

Harry: w-What happened?

Ron: Hermione is cheating on me with Malfoy!

Harry: I thought you and I had something, Draco!

Draco: We never had anything Harry!

Harry: Oh yeah, that's right...

Draco: *facepalm*

Ron: *slaps Draco* stop dating my girlfriend!

Draco: What's up with all you people smacking me?!

Harry: Wait! I haven't slapped you yet! *slaps Draco*

Draco: Really Harry?

Harry: Yes.

Neville: Hey guys whatcha doing?

Draco: Longbottom.

Hermione: We're reading things that muggles are righting about us.

Ron: A lot of them are romances.

Neville: Who are they writing romances about? And how do they know about out personal lives?

Harry: Most of them are about Malfoy, me having a twin, and some are short stories that involve people like you and Luna or Seamus and people I didn't even know go to Hogwarts.... And I don't even want to know how they know about our lives...

Ron: It's like someone wrote about us or made a movie...

Hermione: Are you kidding Ron? That's ridiculous!

Harry: It kinda makes sense.

Hermione: Harry! Don't agree with him!!

Draco: I think it's a pretty reasonable explanation. *cough* for a blood traitor.

Hermione: Who cares what you think, Malfoy?

Draco: My father will hear about this.

Neville: You've said that every time something happens that you don't like.

Hermione: Ewwww!!

*Hermione faints*

Ron: What is it?

*Harry walks to computer and reads screen*

Harry: It's a Snape and Hermione one!

Draco and Ron: Ewwwww!!

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