Tag thingy

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I was tagged by the lovely ellet1girl. I hadn't done the last tag you tagged me in, So I'll do this one :)

- post the rules
- answer all 13 questions
-make up 13 questions for the people you tag
- tag 13 people
- come up with a creative name (3 time 13)
- Do this in a week

Laurel's questions:

1. What is your favourite joke?
What is blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint ahah I know I'm lame

2. What is your least favourite joke?
Those standard knock knock jokes

3. What's your best pick up line?
*points to myself* "you know what this is made of?" *boy shrugs* "girlfriend material"

4. How's life? Pretty good tbh, yours?

5. What are you doing? Watching tv and answering this tag lol

6. Who is your favourite girl character of all times? Hard one, but I think Lydia Martin on Teen Wolf

7. Boy character? Newt, without a doubt

8. Do you watch Dan and Phil? If not go watch an episode. I will right now

9. How was it? They're fun

10. Dan or Phil? Idk, like them both

11. Which episode did you watch? Dan and Phil react to children reacting to Dan and Phil

12. What's your favourite food? Easy one, pizzaaaa

13. I have completely ruined this tag haven't I? Noo it was fun :)

Now my questions for you guys:

1. If you won a million right now, what would you do with it?

2. If you had to give yourself a new name, what would it be?

3. Fave quote?

4. Favourite movie(s) of all time?

5. if you could bring one fictional character to life who would it be?

6. Fave song atm?

7. A fact about yourself?

8. Favourite tv serie?

9. Something you can't go a day without?

10. Summer or Winter?

11. Which famous person would you like to swap lives with for a day?

12. Biggest fear?

13. 5 things you search for in a perfect boy/girl?

People I tag:











And everyone else who'd like to answer them :)

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