"We'll work on it," Alice soothed her as Kate grew frustrated one night.

Kate threw her hands in the air, "I'm supposed to have this GREAT power but I can barely make you do anything and the heaviest thing I can lift is a pillow. What good is that going to do against fighting a vampire?"

Monday was the fist day going back to school and she was worried about it. What if she hurt herself, or someone else? Her hands trembled as she got dressed in the morning. A knock in the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Ready?" Bella was standing at the door looking uncomfortable.

Kate knew that she had been ignoring her but she told herself that it was for her sister's safety. Before she knew what she was doing, Kate launched herself at her older sister and hugged her tightly.

"Whoa, it's going to be okay...um...it's just school," Bella said awkwardly patting her back.

"I know. It's just...I'm sorry," Kate whispered in her ear.

Bella pulled back from her, "Let's go or we'll be late."

Kate grabbed her bag and followed her sister outside. The snow that had been falling steadily for the past few days had melted and turned into ice. In typical Bella fashion, once she hit a nice patch of it, she slipped. To stop herself from falling, Bella grabbed Kate by the neck and practically choked her.

"Sorry," Bella said once she steadied herself.

"It's fine," Kate croaked as she rubbed her now sore neck.

Charlie ran over to where they were making sure his two girls were okay, "You okay?"

"Yea," Bella answered, "Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated."

"Yea that's why I had some new tires put on the truck," he added, "Old ones were getting pretty bald. Well I'll probably be late for dinner. I've got to head down to Mason County. Security guard at Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal."

Kate paused as she put her bag in the passenger side of the truck, "An animal?"

Charlie began to walk to his police cruiser; "You're not in Phoenix anymore, girls. Anyway, figured I'd lend a hand."

"You be careful," Bella told him.

Charlie nodded in response, "Always am."

Bella and Kate looked at each other over the back of the truck bed before getting in and starting to head towards school. In her first class she sat at the back of the room again and began working on her picture of Charlie's house before the bell rang. Rosalie sat down next to her just as the bell rang and they sat there in awkward silence while the rest of the class got to work. Kate worked in silence the majority of the class when when Rosalie turned to her.

"I'm sorry," the girl said to her stiffly.

Kate looked up at her but didn't say anything. Rosalie continued.

"It's all my fault and for that I'm sorry. I know you didn't want this and I forced you into this. You didn't choose this."

Kate shook her head and smiled at her, "I figure it would've happened eventually. I'm Kate."

Rosalie looked at her strangely but took her hand any way, "Rosalie."

The girls turned back to their individual pictures and went back to work.

"Alice says you're progressing slowly," Rosalie said tightly.

Kate chuckled, "I'm sure for what you are slow is way too slow."

"At least you get to move forward," Rosalie told her as she gathered her things once the bell rang.

After a whole day of "oh my god, how are you?" and "are you okay" Kate was just happy that she was going back home. She walked across the parking lot with her headphones it when she heard screeching tires. Kate turned just in time to see Tyler's black van collide with Bella's truck. She watched as her sister, who had just been standing there, disappeared behind the vehicle.

"Bella!" Kate yelled.

She sprinted all the way across the parking lot. The second that she rounded the corner of the van she saw that Bella was sitting on the pavement looking dazed and confused but otherwise unhurt. Kate heard the majority of the rest of the school behind her.

Kate grabbed her sister by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug, "Bella! What the hell?"

Bella didn't respond to her and just sat there. The rest of the kids crowded around making Kate feel claustrophobic. She just wanted to get her sister out of there. An ambulance came and put her and Bella in the back with the doctors. They called Charlie as they sped off toward the hospital to check Bella out. As Kate looked back at the school fading into the distance she couldn't help but feel that Forks would be the death of the two sisters.

Kate was sitting with Bella in the Emergency Room when Charlie burst in. He had to have used his police sirens to get there because otherwise he couldn't have gotten there that fast.

"Bella! Kate! Bella, are you okay?" he asked before turning to Tyler, "You and I are going to talk."

Bella tried to calm Charlie down, "I'm fine, dad. Calm down."

Tyler kept talking, "I'm sorry, Bella. I tried to stop."

"I know. It's okay."

Charlie snapped at Tyler, "No it sure as hell is not okay."

"That's what I said," Kate argued, "She won't listen. She almost got killed and she's acting like it is just any other day."

"Guys," Bella shouted at them, "It's not his fault."

Charlie turned to Tyler once more, "You can kiss your license goodbye."

The door to the emergency room opened and Kate turned to see Carlisle walk in. When he approached Bella's examining table Carlisle's eyes met Kate's and she nodded to him telling him she was okay. Carlisle quickly looked back to Bella but Kate saw that she was giving them a questioning look.

"The Chief's daughters just can't stay out of the hospital," Carlisle smiled at Charlie.

Charlie's face relaxed from its frown, "Ah, Dr. Cullen."

"Charlie. Kate," he greeted before turning to Bella's chart, "Isabella..."

"Bella," she corrected.

Carlisle smiled at her, "Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?"


He took out his light and held a finger up to examine her pupil dilation response, "Look here. You might experience some posttraumatic stress or disorientation but your vital signs look good. No signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine."

"You know it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way," Bella said watching Carlisle's reaction.

"Edward was there?" Kate asked her.

Bella nodded.

"Edward?" Charlie asked, "Your boy?"

Carlisle nodded as well.

Bella continued, "Yea it was amazing. I mean he got to me so fast he was nowhere near me."

Carlisle and Kate shared another look over Bella's head. Kate gave him a tiny shake of the head to tell him that she hadn't told Bella of the Cullens' secret. Carlisle quickly looked for a way out of the situation.

"Sounds like you were very lucky. Charlie. Katie," Carlisle gave each of them a small nod of the head before leaving the room.

Kate gently grabbed Bella's upper arm.

"Come on Bells, let's get you out of here."

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