Start from the beginning

Oh hell, I missed her! We spent the day doing stupid things, like small boat riding on the lake, or fighting in the grass... Like kids. But fuck... It was a great day.
And like every time I hung out around her, I didn't see time passing. I just wished there were more than 24 hours in a day.

When I drove her back home, I naturally tried to convince her to come to my place... Just for a couple hours.

"Right... You know too damn well that if I step inside your place tonight, I won't leave until morning" she smiled, a little shy.

"Is that wrong?" I teased her.

She smiled, hesistant.

"Nah..." She finally stated. "I haven't been home all weekend. Didn't even charge my phone since yesterday... I haven't... I... Still need to see Dwayne... You know?"

Fuck, just hearing her say his name instantly got on my nerves. Just how jealous of that guy could I be.

"Alright..." I said, running out of argument.

She stared at me silently for a second.

"I remember... When you chose me over Sarah... I was panicking. Because I knew it was gonna hurt her. Now I'm in your position... And I'm literally freaking out..."

"Yeah... Listen... If you don't feel ready..."

"I know where I want to be... That's what you told me back then... And that's exactly what I am telling you right now... I don't... I don't know why nor how... But somehow... Ever since you came back into my life, being around you is what I need the most"

I smiled, happy to hear her confirming what I wanted to hear and kissed her.

"Alright... Call me if you need anything. I'll be there right away"

She smiled softly and hugged me one last time before getting off my car.

Yeah... It was harder and harder to let her go.

Somehow, that weekend by her side motivated me to the max. The day after, I was working with my partner and Mike on a solid business plan for my venture. I was like a beast, unstoppable, and they both noticed how hype how was that day.

I thought about telling Mike. But what to tell him? That I was working on getting Lya back? That I was doing my best for her to leave the guy he now considered his friend? Sounded wrong in many ways.

So I decided to keep it on the down low until I was sure of where we were both heading. I gotta admit that even though I was sure of my feelings, I was still a little curious of how far this was gonna lead us. Years had passed and even though I knew we were still these two kids inside, I couldn't deny she had changed. Changed into a confident woman who sometimes intimidated me. As much as I loved it, I was still a little impressed at how she had evolved.

I wanted to see her... I kept wondering how it went with that guy... If she told him yet and how he took it. Not that I really cared if she hurted him or anything. But I knew it was gonna hurt her though.

Three days had passed and I didn't hear from her. I was seriously starting to worry now. Was she alright? Was she have g a hard time? Did she change her mind?... That last question made me freak out a little.

I immediately took my phone and texted her.

'I want yo see you'

Not even 5 minutes after, she answered

'Me too'

I instantly felt relieved to read that. So she didn't change her mind after all.

IF I FALL - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now