Part 21

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"The Next day of school Lolo Ray Jaylen and Diggy Attended drug Day.They waited in the room for hours half the whole day of school to be tested and get their results."

Jaylen:*walks over to ray* I wonder why they call it drug day...and it was like for 6Months.

Ray:*laughs*I wonder that too.

LoLo:*leaning on diggy* Im so tired! too

Jaylen:*rolls eyes* Ray...can I lean on you? And use your jacket I'm cold.

Ray:-looks at for a while-uhh ok

Jaylen:*stands up*

"Ray walked around Jaylen looking at the ground taking his jacket off.Then he put his jacket on her slowly studying her body some more and smelling her hair."

Ray:*inhead* Nah ray stop, Zonnique wouldn't want me to do this!

Nurse:*walks out office with results

Well since its just you four in here you ALL have Syphlis

"Silence spreader thru the room until Jaylen Let out a laugh looking at Ray and Lolo.Diggy let out a laugh too!"

Nurse:*placing hand on hip* I don't see what's so funny about this...this is serious business ...-looks at clipboard- Now y'all will come back tomorrow for the shot and it take 2weeks to get cured

Ray:-walks out room-

Nurse:what's his problem?


Diggy:-looks at LoLo- Whats the matter?

LoLo:You gave me...Syphlis Diggy...

Diggy:-move arm from around- Nah you can't blame that...shit on me

LoLo:*stands up* yes the fuck i can we're the only Nigga I had sex with

Nurse:-shakes head-

LoLo:Diggy why you did this to me

Diggy:for all I coulda have it to me...

LoLo:No...No...I'm not staying around for this...I can't trust you


LoLo:and Diggy without trust....

Jaylen:*smiles*Theres no relationship...*claps* we heard many times...that line*stands up* but...girls like you...little girls at that...y'all come right back*gets in LoLo face* you're gonna go back to him...stop fronting...cousin-laughs-

LoLo:look what me...and Diggy got going on...our problems...that's stay your ignorant ass out of it!

Ray:-walks back in-Na LoLo I figured out the whole thing....Zendaya liked Roc so she brought Jaylen in the pic to keep me away from her and zendaya know I been craving sex so she fucking knew Jaylen...was down to fuck...but what she didn't know is that Jaylen had the nights when I denied sex...she went to yo man...Diggy*points* for sex cause Jaylen Stayed Jaylen and Diggy had sex and she gave it to him but...

LoLo: wait...I don't get why would he want a disease...

Ray:he didn't know till afterwards

LoLo:is this true...


Jaylen:-walks over to Diggy-

Ray:so after he found out he had..disease day he wanted to make it seem like you gave it to him...I know he kept trying to force you...

Mindless Behavior:Love Hate RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now