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"5Months Later."

"After Roc was arrested he was on Trial for 3 months and was sentenced to 5years in Juvie for possession of a weapon and For physically abusing India.India was Rushed to the hospital after the incident she lost ALOT of blood that stained Rakims(A$Ap) Car Till This day.India didn't die she just fell into a coma that she has been in for 5months. Rakim stood by her side even her Mother (Beyonce) Ms. Jones hoping that her daughter makes it thru. Until then "Drug Day" is coming to an end and Jaylen and Diggy still needs to try to Give LOLO and Ray syphlis to make it seem like they gave it to them (Jaylen and Diggy).

Diggy:-counting money- so you sure you wanna do this

Jaylen:-brushing hair to the side- what you mean?

Diggy:cause ...that's yo cousin...and all

Jaylen:Yeah so...she told ray Uneeded shit..

Diggy:-walks up to - but you know what you needa do right?

Jaylen:-place brush on couch- what?

Diggy:you need to get them together

Jaylen:who is "them"

Diggy:Zonnique and ray

Jaylen:-puts bobby pin in hair- Uhmm I don't know how ima do that but -breathes hard- ima try...what did she do to you ?

Diggy:she didn't keep her fucking mouth shut...

Jaylen:oh yeah...she got...Chris locked up...right

Diggy:-puts money in pocket- yep...*checks phone* but I have to go pick up..this gun I'm suppose to use on her ass

Jaylen:-slides slippers on- I should go?

Diggy:-puts Jordan's on- Na baby..stay here ...materfact go to his house...

Jaylen:-grabs purse- uhm...ok I guess

"Diggy goes to go pick up the gun to kill Zonnique while Jaylen walks to Ray house."

Jaylen:*knock knock*


Jaylen:*knock knock*




Jaylen:Ray you there?

-walks off porch-

"When Jaylen walked off the porch she looked to her Left and seen Ray Holding Zonnique while she walks down the sidewalks."

Jaylen:*in head* what the...the hell?

Ray:we almost there-laughs-

Zonnique:-breathes hard- I feel like I Been walking for...24 hours-laughs-

Ray:yeah...if I could Carry you I would...

Zonnique:-smiles- Because I'm fat..or because my feet just hurt?

Ray:Because your Pregnant...I bet if my feet hurted to wouldn't have carried me

Zonnique: damn skippy I wouldn't

Ray:-laughs- okay okay?

Zonnique:-close eyes- are we almost there?

Ray:yes we Turing in your yard now



Zonnique:get my keys out my purse

Mindless Behavior:Love Hate RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now