17 // Loving His Beast

Start from the beginning

"Have you dated a man your mom didn't like?" Miamo asked.

"I've dated men she didn't like. And she told me before, during, and after." I said.

"Do you think it's possible to do it all to be a great wife and a great mom and have a great career all at the same time?" Miamo asked.

"Yes, but it's certainly not easy. I think it takes a lot of work...and a good partner to help." I said.

"Want to start a family?" Miamo asked.

"Yeah. Of course, I do. I don't know about having many kids, but I'd like to raise one healthy, really loving child. I do sometimes want that quiet life, you know, raising children, but I feel like these things all happen naturally on their own." I said.

"We heard that you don't want to be called Danica anymore. Why?" Miamo asked.

"That's not true. It was a silly gossip story. I still like to be called Danica. I was saying that last night when my boyfriend and I went out. We were running through this crowd in a hurry, and a little girl asked, "Could you sign this?" I signed Danica GC fast, and I was like, "That's when that Danica GC shit comes in handy." I said.

"Did you always know you would be famous one day?" Miamo asked.

"I always had a feeling that I was going to do this, like "I'm going to be in movies, and I'm going to sing and wrestle." Like somebody was going to pick me out of a crowd. It was a sense of something...a desire." I said.

"Why do you think you were branded a diva by the media?" Miamo asked.

"I always felt that was unfair. It might be because I have nice stuff. I came from virtually nothing, so there was a time when I was like, "Oh my God, I can have that car, or I can have that coat." I don't think anybody in my position wouldn't have done the same thing. But you get to a point where you want to strip down. Not that I won't have a nice bag, but I'm going to sell that big museum-type house and get a nice cozy house, and I'm going to have one car and trade the others in. I want to go back to something simpler." I said.

"How are you very much your zodiac sign, Center of attention, loyal, generous, big ego...." Miamo asked.

"Center of attention...yeah. My favorite holiday is my birthday. I think I'm loyal and generous. But I have no ego. There is no way you can have a big ego and survive in this business. You can't learn if you think no one else has anything to say that's of value." I said.

"What's something about you that's un-divalike?" Miamo asked.

"I love to clean up. I can't have a room unclean. And I cook-I made pork chops last night. My favorite food is fried chicken cutlets, and I make those too." I said.

"Is there anything you're not good at?" Miamo asked.

"Is there anything you're not good at?" Miamo asked

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"I'm bad at a ton of things. I'm bad at sitting still. I'm bad at basketball. My worst habit is that while people are talking, I will already be thinking three other things. It isn't nice. Sometimes if the person is very in tune and notices, they're like, "Where are you right now?" I said.

"With all, you have on your plate, how do you de-stress?" Miamo asked.

"I love a massage and a bath. I don't drink-I'll have a sip, but I've never been drunk, and I don't smoke. I envy people who have those releases. They have a drink or a cigarette, and they feel better. I have to brave it through the whole day on my own." I said.

"How do you manage to be the one star who never gets caught by the paparazzi with bedhead and no makeup?" Miamo asked.

"I am conscious of the way I look when I go out. My mom and my grandma taught me that you never leave the house without taking a bath and attempting to fix your hair. I don't look like a glamour puss every day, but I try to look decent when I leave the house." I said.

"Have you always been confident about your body?" Miamo asked.

"No, not when I was younger. I felt heavy. I was heavy, but as I grew up and dropped the baby fat, I felt confident. I started looking more like the voluptuous woman I grew up with, who I thought were beautiful-my mom and my aunts. So when I went to Hollywood and everybody was very small, I never thought I looked bad. I never felt fat." I said.

"Your butt is famous. What are your favorite body parts?" Miamo asked.

"My waist and my stomach. I'm lucky genetically-I'm small through there." I said, laughing.

"How much of that amazing body is hard work?" Miamo asked.

"It's a lot of hard work. I used to work out all the time, but over the years, I've tapered off. Now I focus when I have to get in shape for a movie or video. And I'm not a big dieter. I know when there's a little extra here or there. And then I adjust a little-I don't kill myself." I said.

"Do you have any regrets?" Miamo asked.

"Not really, but that's not to say that I haven't been through bad things. I have. But my philosophy on life is that we're here to love and to learn. And I've learned a lot, so I can't say, "I wish this didn't happen or I didn't make that movie." And I take responsibility for being open [about relationships] in the past. I have to, and now I'm doing what I can make it different." I said.

"Last question. I noticed that you didn't mention your boyfriend's name, so would you like to tell us who he is?" Miamo asked.

"I'm in a loving relationship with Brock Lesnar," I said.

"Well, that's all the time for we have, so tune in next week," Miamo said.

I walked off the set and went to my dressing room, where Brock was sitting. Once I walk in, Brock gets up and kisses me.

"I can't believe you did that." He said.

"What? I'm not ashamed of you. I love you, and this way, it lets all your fangirls know that you're taken, and they don't want a hothead Latina on their ass." I said.

"You're hot when you're jealous," He said.

"I'm not jealous. I don't like sharing." I said.

"Baby, you don't have to share." He said.

"Does that mean I can eat that medium pizza by myself?" I asked.

"No, you can't. I doubt you can." He said.

"I can eat a whole medium pizza by myself," I said, pouting.

"Sure you can, but we gotta go." He said.

"Fine, let's go," I said.

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