13 // Loving His Beast

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Chapter Thirteen | I Adore You

San Francisco, California

"Introducing first: From Miami, Florida, weighing 149lb 5'6ft tall Vixen!" Lilian Garcia said.

I walked down the ramp doing my signature pose.

I got in the ring and stood in the middle, waiting for my opponent.

Stephanie decided that she wasn't going to tell me who I was facing.

Then I hear this...

You can look
But you can't touch
You keep dreaming on the stars above

Something in you're eyes
Let's me see right through you
There's a mystery
What's on you're mind
Something in the way
I know must make you crazy
It's a mystery I don't know why

Get out you're best line
Take you're best shot
Baby you can I've heard 'em all before
Don't take it hard when you fall flat on your face
You won't be alone down there on the floor

Cause you can look
But you can't touch

I see Nicole do her dance entrance and walk down the ramp and do all that extra shit before the bell ring.

We had a little strength contest, and our hands were locked in each other over our heads. I kicked her in her stomach, which caused Nikki to bend over, so I leg dropped her.

After a Boston crab, she got up and hit me with a head-scissor. I flew into the turnbuckle, and she pulled me up by my hair. Oh, this bitch knows how I feel about people pulling my hair.

She talked some trash and jumped down, so my head hit the floor. When I stood up, I kicked her in the back, and she fell into the ropes. I didn't want to be in this match anymore longer.

No offense to Nicole, but I'm not too fond of her skills in the ring, so I decided to throw her into the turnbuckle a couple of times, then I hit her with a twist of fate, and she tried to kick me, but I countered her with a DDT. I set up Nicole for a suplex, and she landed on her back.

After I threw her up on my shoulder and landed an F5, and I pin her.


"The winner of this match... Vixen!" Lilian announced.

I held out my hand for Nicole to take, and she grabbed my hand, and I pulled her up before hugging her, then I headed backstage.

I waited for Nicole to come.

"Bitch, that shit hurts," Nicole said, coming next to me.

"Sorry, but I wasn't expecting to fight you," I said.

"Yeah, I know, but thanks for not going easy on just because I'm your sister," She said.

"You're welcome, but I'm hungry," I said.

"To catering," she said.

I nod.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever," Nicole said once we reached catering.

"That's because you haven't talked to me for like a couple of days, Nicole," I said.

"Fine, so what's been going on?" She asked.

"Well, Brock admitted he has feelings for me, and I told him that I have feelings for him too, so I guess we are trying to be a couple or something. I haven't really talked to him about it yet. So what you been up to?" I explained, grabbing a pear.

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