"Katherine, it's important," he said softly but with an undertone of firmness.

She paused before relenting, "Stories about magic."

"Do you believe them?"

"No, they're just stories."

"Stories come from the truth, Katherine. That's how they get remembered."

She shook her head, "So what you're saying is 'I was attacked by magic.'"

Dr. Cullen smiled at her again, "In a way, yes. You're falling ill was you're body reacting to magic."

The doctor said it so seriously that Kate had to laugh. She let out a good hearty laugh but stopped when she noticed the doctor wasn't laughing with her. She was locked in a room with a mad man. Adrenaline coursed through her veins causing her to bolt out of bed and make for the door. Before she could reach the door, however, Dr. Cullen suddenly appeared in her way.

Kate pushed herself back onto the bed away from him.

"How did you do that?" she demanded of him.

"Katherine, please let me explain," he tried to calm her with his hands out in surrender.

"Stay back," she cried as he made to walk to her.

"Please..." whatever he was about to say was cut off when Kate screamed. When she screamed the pounding in her head eased and she heard a loud shattering crack. Kate ducked her head and waited for glass to crash to the ground but it did not come.

From her crouched position on the floor Kate looked up at Dr. Cullen to see him looking at her with a pitying look. His gaze flickered toward the bathroom part of the room and Kate followed his gaze. Her heart stopped. Suspended two feet off of the ground were several large shards of glass from the bathroom mirror that was shattered. This is not what made Kate collapse after she saw this. When she looked at the glass, blue fiery energy was holding the glass in the air. Light caught her eye and she looked at her own hands and saw the same blue fiery energy pulsating around her hands.

Kate gave another scream and collapsed onto the floor. The glass hit the ground and shattered even further. She stared at the ground where the tiny pieces of glass were strewn. She felt Dr. Cullen kneel down next to her but she was to scared to move.


Once again, she cut the doctor off, "Kate." She said the word so quietly and simply that she didn't think the doctor heard her at all. She almost regretted saying the word as soon as it left her mouth. It was like she accepted what had just happened was real.

"Kate, I know you're scared but if you let me explain. I'll tell you everything I know. How does that sound?"

Kate looked up at him very slowly and nodded her head once. The doctor scooped her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing and set her down gently in her hospital bed. She just sat there and stared at him.

"What's happening to me?"

"To begin your story, you must first hear mine. I'm like you, different. My family and I are vampires."

He waited for her to run or scream again but she didn't take her eyes off of him. After what she just did, to her, the idea that there could be vampires was relatively non-exciting.

Dr. Cullen continued, "My family and I are different than others of our kind. We don't hunt humans; instead we survive off of the blood of animals. It is our fault that you changed."

"Changed?" she whispered.

"Yes. When your genes came into contact with the supernatural, I mean by you meeting my family, your genes changed and erupted. This would explain why you had the immense pain you felt. You're body was changing and adapting to host new genes. You have a gift that very few in the course of history have ever had. I've only met one before but you are just as gifted as he was. You are what is known as a siren."

"A siren."


"Then why haven't I turned into a fish or sprouted a tail?"

Dr. Cullen chuckled, "That is a story rumor started by the Ancient Greeks. Sirens are practically human, not that that is terribly comforting."

Kate started at him in disbelief before he continued, "Sirens are one of the oldest supernatural creatures. Long ago, sirens were born to hide the supernatural world from those that would destroy them. For example, vampires and werewolves. To stop them from destroying themselves, sirens were equipped with power to help protect the supernatural. Power like you just demonstrated. In addition to that, you have a secondary power, one that the legends are derived from. It is known as the siren's song."

"I can't sing."

"It is not actually a song but a command. According to the legends by looking humans or the supernatural in the eye you can command them to do whatever you wish. It is how the supernatural haven't been exposed. Let's say there is an unruly vampire, you could have them begin to feed elsewhere or adopt the vegetarian diet as my family has. It's the siren's power that unfortunately causes sirens to be hunted down. Many members of the supernatural hunt sirens because they fear to be controlled by their power. Many years ago, almost 2,000, sirens were hunted into extinction. So few survived to pass on the gene. There are so few sirens left, if any, and they are rare to appear. Many are scared of people like you and would kill you because of that. Right now your powers are erratic and tied to your emotions. You were scared of me so you shattered the mirror. With time and practice you can learn to control this and remain hidden from those who would do you harm."

Kate sat there processing all of this. For some reason, she believed every word that the doctor was saying to her. The moment she used the power she had, the pain in her head rushed out of her body.

"Is that why I'm in isolation?"

Dr. Cullen smiled again, "Yes. As you can see by the various objects on the floor around your room," Kate looked around to see where he was showing her, "You were using your powers as you slept. I couldn't risk someone finding out about you."

"What about Bella or my dad?"

"No one can know. Although there are a few that already do."

Kate straightened up in fear. She didn't want to die! She was only fifteen. "Who?"

"Very few: my family, and your old family friend William Black."

"Billy knows?"

"You're kind are mentioned in the Quileute legends as well. He knew what had happened right away," Dr. Cullen explained.

They sat there unmoving for the longest while.

"Dr. Cullen..."

"Carlisle," he corrected with a gentle smile.

"Carlisle, how can control this?" she begged him for answers.

"I can help you. As I've said before, I've only met one siren. I will do what I can to help you. I daresay the Quileutes could help you more than I. If I am correct, then a siren once resided with the tribe a long, long time ago."

"Thank you," Kate whispered.

Carlisle stood up, "Now that you know and understand what is at stake, I will discharge you. You were diagnosed with a stress seizure due to the sudden change in climate. I've reported that you will have no more of these. Just a fair warning, there are a lot of people in the lobby who want answers. You can't give them any, for their sake."

A/N: Basically the best way to describe what her powers are like is to include a picture. Her telekinetic powers are just like Scarlet Witch's from the Marvel Universe but blue. Her "mind control" if you will is not permanent and just a single command kind of like unstoppable hypnosis.

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