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                            A sharp stab of pain cuts down her spine. Her head throbs as she remembers the night her life had changed forever. Her mother's twinkling bell laugh, joined in by her father's deep, booming laugh as they watched her chase her big brother across the room. He had turned to her, taunting her playfully as she shrieked with laughter and tackled him. The sharp knock had abruptly silenced them, and her father had strode across the room to answer the door. Her mother had put her arm protectively on her and her brother and drew them close to her. She had heard voices, discussing something fervently. Then, one commanding voice demanding harshly. A group of people appeared into sight, two thaumaturges, accompanied by three guards with swords strapped to their armor. They called her brother's name. He had stiffened with fear as his feet acted, not on his own accord, stepping towards the strangers. Her mother had cried out, trying to restrain him. They took him. They had suppressed her mother and father, rooting their legs to the floor as they dragged her brother away. She never said goodbye. Never tried to stop them, only because she feared them. But she saw his eyes, locked on hers, filled with determination. Still locked on hers as he disappeared from her life, into the dusty dusk that was just brightening. Her mother had collapsed, sobbing into her father's arm as he embraced his family. She never saw him again.

Forgotten ~ A Lunar Chronicles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now