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                    She flinches, almost stumbling back as her gaze travels across the battlefield; the fallen people and the continuous surges of others. They all wear grim faces, filled with determination, even as they went down. An endless wave of thaumaturges, their velvet coats detectable between the crowds. Anybody who try getting close to them fall, screaming in agony, the uncontrollable torture from the wrath of Luna's most feared. They could manipulate anybody to their will, inflict a person's own weapon upon themselves. Howls ring amidst the clashing of weapons and the cries of pain. The mutant wolf soldiers that are being controlled by the thaumaturges slash through the ranks of their enemies. Their bodies enormous, jaws wide, and obsidian eyes, filled with violence. They are deadly living weapons. 

Forgotten ~ A Lunar Chronicles FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora