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"I see. That's a relief then." Namjoon sighs before realizing that what he expected to hear and what he had heard were two different things. "Wait— what?"

"Adopt me." The hybrid once again said, voice louder this time.

"I— what?"

"Adopt me. You came here to adopt right? So choose me."


"Goodness are you deaf or something? I said you should adopt me—"

"No, no. I heard you clearly." Namjoon clears his throat. "I was just, uh, surprised."

Seokjin nodded. "So?"

"S-so?" Namjoon stutters.

"Are you going to adopt me?"

Namjoon swallows, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he feels a bead of sweat coming down from his temple. Right, he came here to adopt. After being informed that he is free to check the room and pick any hybrid he wants, he headed straight to the kitchen in hopes of finding someone who is good at cooking. And Seokjin was there. Is there. He is in the kitchen, cooking a decent meal and apparently, he is good at cooking. This is part of fate's plans, isn't it? And now Seokjin is the one who wants to be adopted by him. Even though they barely know eachother— well maybe they can do the whole knowing eachother thing when they are officially adopter-hybrid, but still.

Okay, maybe Namjoon is just overthinking things. So he asks the hybrid. "Why?"

The hybrid tilts his head to the side, blinking and oh what a total cutie. "What do you mean why?"

Namjoon sputters. Wait is he not supposed to be asking questions once the hybrid volunteers to be adopted?  "I mean, uh, I just want to know why you want me to adopt you. I already told you how unfortunate I am and that I'm a bad cook—"

"You are a terrible cook, yes." Ouch. "And that's one reason why I want you to adopt me. I can't bear the thought of someone eating from takeouts all the time." Namjoon winces and thinks same I don't know how I survived either. "Second reason is because I did something horrible to you and it was truly embarrassing and I want to make it up to you by taking care of you." Namjoon blinks. Right, seems like the hybrid really isn't over it just yet. "And lastly, I want to leave this suffocating room."

"Oh no. If you find this large as hell room suffocating then I don't think you'd be able to breathe in my apartment."

"Not that type of suffocating, idiot."

Did the hybrid just called him idiot? Yes, he did. Well maybe it was partially his fault so he's just gonna ignore that and not say anything.

"You look smart so I don't want to explain myself. You should've guessed what I meant by now." The hybrid continued, untying his pink apron with one hand before folding it and letting it sit nicely on the counter. "So? What do you think?"

"Tempting." He blurts out without thinking. "Shit that came out wrong. I meant to say, uh, I—"

To Namjoon's surprise, the hybrid only chuckles. "So then?"

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna adopt you. I am gonna adopt you." He says with finality, nodding. "Are you sure though? That you want me to? I totally respect your wishes—"

"Namjoon." The hybrid stresses and wow Namjoon didn't think his name would sound so good with the other's voice. "I am one hundred percent sure I want to leave this place."

The hybrid seems so intent on leaving this place even though it has everything you could wish for, or so that's what Namjoon thinks. He'd like to ask the hybrid why but it's too early for personal questions still so he's gonna keep it in for now.

"Alright then. Let's go to Jinyoung." Namjoon said, straightening his posture as he looks at the hybrid who seems to be double checking the stove before humming and nodding.

They then head out of the kitchen and a few hybrids shoot them looks, some neutral and some beaming at the cat hybrid who looks proud.

Jinyoung who is sitting at one of the love seats took notice of them, standing up with a grin as they approached each other.

"I'm guessing that Seokjin here forced you?" Jinyoung says, a hint of teasing evident in his voice.

Seokjin rolled his eyes, "Please. As if I'm that type of hybrid. I chose him as an owner, I did not forced him shit."

Namjoon blinks in surprise at the hybrid's somehow vulgar mouth as it contradicts the other's pretty boy aura and overall look but then again, surprises are good too. And Namjoon had his fair share of surprises this day.

"No, no. He did not forced me actually. He offered and well, I could not say no." Namjoon replies, smiling shyly.

"Right. He has that type of effect on people. Alright then, Seokjin, have you checked on Namjoon when you'd like to go home with him yet?" Jinyoung asks.

"Nah-uh. I'm coming with him right now." Seokjin answers without missing a beat, once again surprising Namjoon because really, does his opinion not matter here or something? Not that he's complaining.

"Is Namjoon okay with that?" Jinyoung clarifies.

Seokjin turned to Namjoon, nodding before looking at Jinyoung. "Of course he is. Right, Namjoon?"

Namjoon nodded as well, albeit uncertainly. "Uh, of course. He's welcome to come home with me anytime."

Jinyoung clapped his hands, smiling brightly. "Good! That settles it then. Go ahead and pack your things while we wait and discuss the paperworks, Seokjin."

The hybrid nodded, tail swishing in satisfaction as he walks towards the stairs. Namjoon assumes that his room is probably on the second floor.

"Now then for the boring paper works." Jinyoung ushered him to sit on the nearest couch and he did so. Jinyoung plopped down beside him before pulling a stack of papers placed inside a pink plastic envelope underneath the round table in front of them.

"As you may have noticed. It is this easy to adopt in our institution." Jinyoung started to which Namjoon nodded. It was indeed pretty easy. "That's why we make sure that the chosen owner is worthy. In short, we will be observing and monitor how you treat your hybrid."

"W-what? Like installing a camera in my house? Or implanting a chip inside Seokjin?"

Jinyoung chuckled. "Oh, no. I mean, we could, if you want. But that's against privacy, you know? All we have to do to ensure the hybrid's safety is to drop by at your house randomly. A surprise visit, if you may."

Namjoon hummed in understanding, nodding once again. "I see. That sounds good, sure."

"Please sign here, implying that you indeed agree to our surprise visits." Jinyoung says, pointing at the bottom right corner of the paper as he offers Namjoon a pen.

Namjoon then signed after hurriedly skimming through the whole page. "Is this all?"

Jinyoung hummed thoughtfully. "Pretty much, yes. But you will sign some more papers at the front desk, indicating your responsibility as Seokjin's owner and what are the do's and don'ts of being an owner. Yada yada."

Namjoon chuckled at the other's carelessness. "I see."

After a few moments, Seokjin arrived with two black and pink suitcases and a dark violet backpack. He had also changed his outfit into a white turtleneck sweater and jeans so tight Namjoon is wondering if his thighs are okay.

"Good to go?" Jinyoung asks both of them to which they reply with a nod. "Alright then. Say your goodbye to everyone, Seokjin."

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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