Always By Your Side

Start from the beginning

Blake- ugh I wish you were here 

Blake- okay honestly I'm crazy about you

Blake- you have pretty eyes

Blake- and damn that smile

Blake- and the way you smirk ugh

Blake- or the way you wrapped your arms around me

Blake- or how your hair falls perfectly over your shoulder and down to your waist 

Blake- and that booty tho

Blake- I think I'm getting carried away, see you tomorrow ;)

You fell over laughing, he was cute, but you still barely knew him. You smiled at how crazy he was about you, he must have really liked you. You laid there until you fell asleep.

-the next morning-

You woke up to your alarm, and the smell of bacon. You rolled over and fell onto the floor, causing a loud thud.

"Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?" you heard your mom yell.

"NO ITS MONDAY." you rolled your eyes and looked at your phone. Reading a text from Blake,

Blake- morning princess, can't wait to see you :))

Y/N- Sit with me on the bus?

You set your phone down to go eat breakfast but it buzzed instantly,

Blake- yes of course ;) see you then 

You smiled and walked down the stairs, thinking about today's possible outcome. Usually school had consisted of getting rude insults and looks, or barely making it through classes. But knowing Blake was going to be there kept you in good spirits.

"Morning sunshine!" your mom said. 

"Morning. When are Kyle and Dad moving in?" you asked. Kyle was your older brother and your dad was, well, your dad. Kyle had basketball back at your home town, so him and your dad stayed there to finish the season. While you and your mom moved out sooner so your family could get the house you all wanted. 

"Next week, around Thursday or Friday." she said. That made your day instantly, because you really missed them. Especially your brother. You guys were really close, so it was kinda hard being apart for 5 months. 

"Really?!" you dropped your fork and syrup splattered every where. Both you and your mom laughed and cleaned up the mess.

"Yes really, but it's supposed to be a surprise so when they show up just act shocked." she chuckled and continued wiping up the sticky mess. 

"I won't have to act, I'll probably have a mental breakdown." You laughed and finished your last waffle bite. You hugged your mom and went upstairs to change and get ready. Black leggings, a tight white crop top, and a flannel. All of that paired with your black combat boots, and by combat boots you meant combat boot. The real deal, which you got from your uncle, who was in the navy. They seemed to fit perfectly, so you slid those on and grabbed your bag to leave. But just before you left you sent a message to Blake.

Y/N- I'm leaving now

Blake- I'll met you in like 10 seconds :)

You shoved your phone into your bag and stepped outside, seeing Blake put a smile on your face. He was wearing khakis and and a gray long sleeve shirt. He looked you up and down and smirked. Rolling your eyes you continued walking. He caught up to you and said,

"You have a good night?" 

"It was okay, could have been better" you wanted to say you wished he was there but you chose to keep it a less awkward as possible.

Blake Gray ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now