Chapter 9

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A/N: I thank you so much for reading and voting! Please comment and fan! :) I feel so bad that I haven't Uploded so I wrote a longer chappie. Sorry the last one was so short! Don't hate me! Happy Reading!



Harry, Ron and I thought the three-headed-dog adventure was quite fun and we were excited to have another one. However Hermione… Not so much. We also had a great laugh about how surprised Malfoy was that we were still there. Hermione wouldn’t talk to us and Neville was so scared all he cared about was never going near the three-headed-dog ever again. Harry, Ron, and I figured that whatever the dog was guarding was “Either really valuable or really dangerous.” As Ron had said. But, we pushed it aside as all we were thinking about was how to get Malfoy back. A week later at breakfast, it fell right into the palms of Harry’s hands, literally.

We were sitting at breakfast and a large, thin package getting carried by six large screech owls fluttered in. They dropped this large package in front of Harry and before they had even raised their wings to take flight, another owl dropped a letter on Harry’s lap. He ripped open the envelope to find this:


It contains your Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don’t want everybody knowing you’ve got a broomstick or they’ll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o’clock for your first training session.

Professor M. McGonagall

Harry handed the letter over for Ron and I to read. Our eyes widened as soon as we read the letter and we got up to unwrap it. As soon as we got to the entrance to the hall we found that it was guarded by Crabbe and Goyle. Draco came up and took the package from Harry’s hands and said “That’s a broomstick”, Malfoy said with a look of jealousy on his face. “You’ll be in for it this time Potter, first years aren’t allowed one”. “It’s not any old broomstick, it’s a Nimbus 2000! What did you say you’ve got at home Malfoy, a Comet Two Sixty?” Ron blurted out. He turned to us and said “Comets look flashy, but they’re not even in the same league as the Nimbus.” Malfoy looked like he was about to blow and he snapped, “What would you know about it, Weasley, you couldn’t afford half the handle. I suppose you and your family have to save up twig by twig.” Ron opened his mouth but before he could say something, Professor Flitwick cams and said “Not arguing I hope students?” “Potter’s been sent a broomstick, Professor!” Malfoy said with a smirk on his face. “Yes, yes that’s right” Professor Flitwick said. “Professor McGonagall told me all about the special circumstances, Mr. Potter. And what model is it?” “A Nimbus 2000, sir.” Harry said. “And it’s really thanks to Malfoy that I got it”. At that I linked arms with Harry and Ron and skipped out of the Hall, with all of us laughing so hard we were crying by the time we got to the Common Room.

As seven o’clock drew closer, Harry headed down to the Quidditch pitch, with new Nimbus in hand. I walked up to my dorm room to find Hermione in there reading a book (like always). I sat down on the floor next to Lavender and the Patil twins. We sat and gossiped about stuff for a while until we had to go to bed.

            Sooner or later, we had been at Hogwarts about two whole months! We had learned the basics and now we were learning to make things fly in Charms. I got paired with Neville, Harry with Seamus, and Ron with Hermione. Neville was not that great at it but I got it sort of OK.

Hermione got it right away (The know-it-all) and she was bossily showing Ron how to do it. Ron was very moody the whole rest of class after that. “It’s no wonder no one can stand her” Ron said as we were walking out of class. “She’s a nightmare honestly.” Ron said as we were walking out. Hermione ran past us and when I got a look at her face, she was crying. “You’re a jerk Ron!” I snapped at him as I ran over to catch up with Hermione. “I think she heard you”, Harry said to Ron. “So? She must have noticed she’s got no friends.” Ron said behind me.

When I caught up to Hermione she was in the bathroom and so I comforted her for a while, with us just sitting there and Hermione crying the whole time. The Patil girls came in but then went out after a while to go to dinner. I stayed in with Hermione because that’s just what friends do.

“Ron is just a jerk, you know that?” I told Hermione. She smiled but her smile went away and she went pale. I looked up but didn’t need to. I knew the smell from books; Trolls. I looked up and we both screamed at the same time as a big, 12 feet troll lumbered in. The door opened and Ron and Harry sprinted in. The troll started walking forward at us, knocking sinks off the wall as it went, and Hermione and I cowered against the wall as Harry threw a tap against the wall. It turned around right before it was about to hit us and looked at Harry. “Oy! Pea-brain!” Ron yelled. It turned around, giving Harry time to run around it towards us. Harry tried to pull Hermione and I around the troll towards the door; I moved but Hermione was standing against the wall, her face pale with shock.

The troll started towards Ron, and Harry did something very stupid, but brave. He jumped onto the troll and his wand got stuck up the troll’s nose. The troll started freaking out and Ron yelled, “Wingardium Leviosa!” The club rose up and then dropped and hit the troll on the head. Harry climbed off of the troll and I helped Hermione up- she had sunk to the floor in fright.

After a few minutes McGonagall came in closely followed by Snape and Quirrell. McGonagall’s lips were white and she looked like she was about to blow. “What on earth were you thinking of?” McGonagall said. “And why aren’t you in your dormitory? She added. “Please Professor McGonagall, they were looking for me.” Hermione said in a small voice. “I went looking for the troll because I thought I could deal with it all on my own, because, you know, I have read all about them.” ‘Oh my goodness!’ I thought. Hermione Granger, telling a lie to a teacher? “If they wouldn’t have found me, I would have been dead by now. Harry stuck his wand up the troll’s nose and Ron knocked it out with his own club.” Hermione continued. “Well- in that case… Miss Granger, you silly girl!” McGonagall said sternly to Hermione. “But, Miss Potter, that doesn’t explain why you were in here.” Ooh. I knew that was gonna happen. “She came out here after she saw me go into the bathroom.” Hermione cut in before I could say anything. Dang! This girl is good at lying!

It ended up that McGonagall took away five points from Hermione, three points from me, and five points each to Ron and Harry. We all stopped outside of the common room and with an awkward “thanks” we went in the portrait hole to finish the food that the house elves had brought up. I guess there are some things you couldn’t go through without being friends after- fighting a troll being one of them.

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