Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey I will Probably add two chappies at a time to look out for that.. Again, I do not own anything of J.K. Rowling’s. Just Lucy. I am a super potterhead and always will be.

Xox Lucymaek

The last month at the Dursleys was not fun. Even if they were scared of Harry and I, we mostly stayed up in our rooms, talking, playing with our owls and looking at all of our text books.

On the last day of August Harry and I decided to go down stairs and talk to Vernon. “Um… we were wondering if you could drive us to Kings cross tomorrow.” Harry said. Vernon grunted and we supposed that it was ‘supposed to be a yes so we walked back up stairs.

The next day we loaded up our trunks and things and Vernon drove us to the station with a smug look on his face. We walked up to platform 9… and 10. “Here is platform 9 and platform 10! Good luck!” Vernon said evilly and walked away.

 Sooner or later a huge family of red heads came up and Harry went up to talk to the lady we assumed was the mother as she was saying: “…packed with muggles you know…” There was a woman, 4 boys, and a girl that looked about a year younger than harry and I. One of the red haired boys looked just as old as Harry and I and very nervous. There were two identical twins, who were talking to the mom saying “Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother?” and I looked back and the tall stuck-up looking boy just WALKED INTO THE BARRIOR?! After I looked back he had vanished. “Um, Excuse me? How do you get onto the platform?” I said. “First time at Hogwarts dears? Ron is too. Just walk through the barrier between 9 and 10. Oh and do not be scared you will crash into it, that is very important.” Ron, Harry, and I walked into the platform one by one and ended up onto the other side. I looked around and saw something amazing. There was no sign of any of the other trains, just one that said The Hogwarts Express.

 I looked over and Harry was doing the same thing. We walked onto the train and found an empty compartment right where the red head family was standing right outside the train. The window was open and we could hear them talking. “Mum! Was that Harry Potter and his sister?” The youngest red head girl piped up. “Mum! Please can I go?” “No Ginny you can go next year. Fred, George. I don’t want you torturing the Potters if they are here. Remember, stay out of the Forest and I do not want any calls from the headmaster telling me that you have blown up the toilets” Their Mum said. “OK, everybody get on the train before I start crying! Go!” They filed on to the train and we saw them walking along the hall when all of the sudden, the twins burst in. “Hello! Fred” one of them said. “and George Weasley.” The other finished. “Pleasure.” They said in unison. “Do you two always talk like that? By the way my name is Lucy and this is my brother Harry.” I said sticking out my hand to shake their hands. “Ron! Get over here!” Fred said. The youngest boy walked in and instantly his eyes flickered at Harry’s scar and back to me. “Wow! Oh would you mind if I sit here?” The boy said. “And by the way, my name is Ron, Ron Weasley.” “Yeah! That’s totally fine. You have a really big family!” Harry said as Fred and George walked out. “Yeah it has its ups and downs. I got Percy’s rat because he got to be prefect this year and mum and dad got him an owl, Bill’s old robes, and Charlie’s old wand.” Ron said frowning. His eyes flickered back to Harry’s scar. “Yeah, and get this, until Hagrid came to get us, we had no idea anything about us or the wizarding world.” 

We talked about everything and anything and we learned that Ron had six brothers (Fred, George, and Percy, plus Charlie and Bill who had already graduated from Hogwarts), and one sister who would be coming to Hogwarts next year. Her name was Ginny. By what Ron described of her, I could tell we would get along really well. While we were talking, I didn’t realize that we were already out of London by now and by about half past twelve, a plump lady came towards us with a food trolley. I just realized that I was starving. I took out my money and ran to the trolley while Ron went pink and took out what looked like smushed sandwiches. I wanted to buy as many Mars Bars as I could but when I got up there I realized that there wasn’t any. Instead there was Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Licorice Wands, and some other strange things that I had never seen in my life. Together Harry and I paid for three of everything and walked back into the compartment. “Hungry are you?” Ron said. “Oh no, we got these for all of us!” I smiled at Ron as he looked eagerly at the candy Harry and I bought. A little while later after the floor was littered with wrappers and Harry and I had already found out what Chocolate frogs were.

 A girl with bushy brown hair and a sad looking boy came in. “Um, Neville’s missing his toad. Have you seen it?” The girl with the brown hair said awkwardly. She had already changed into her Hogwarts robes and she was looking at Ron’s wand that he had out. “Ooh! You can do magic? Let’s see it.” She said. “And you are?” Ron said. “Hermione. Hermione Granger. And this is Neville Longbottom.” Hermione said. Ron tried to do his magic on his rat but it didn’t work. “Are you sure that is a real spell? I have tried some simple one’s and they have all worked for me… I have all of the books memorized of course. Both my parents are muggles so it was a surprise for me to get my letter. By the way, I forgot to ask your names.” She said all of this really fast. “My name is Lucy Potter.” I told her. “Ron Weasley” Ron said “Harry Potter.” Harry said. “Oh, I’ve heard loads about you! You are in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.” Hermione said and Harry and I laughed because up until now we had no idea about the wizarding world. “Do you know what house you will be in? I hope I’m in Gryffindor; it sounds by far the best. Although I don’t think Ravenclaw wouldn’t be bad. Anyways, we should probably go find Neville’s toad.” And with that she left.

 “We should probably change into our robes.” Harry said. I grabbed my robes out of my trunk and left to go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I looked over and saw a boy with bleach blonde hair standing against the wall next to the boy’s restroom. He was staring at me and it gave me the creeps so I walked into the bathroom and when I came out he was still there. “I saw you were hanging with Granger, Weasley, and Longbottom, Potter. You don’t want to be socializing with those sorts of people.” He said to me. “Um, who are you, Creep?” I retorted. “And by the way, I can pick who I want to hang out with me on my own thanks!” I said. “The name’s Draco Malfoy. Come find me after we get off the train if you want to talk more.” He said with a smirk. There is no way that I’m gonna hang out with that guy. He sounds rude. I thought to myself. I went back to the compartment thinking, ugh! He grinds my gears! Once I got back to the compartment Harry immediately noticed something was wrong. He pulled me to the side and he asked me “Sis, what’s wrong?” “Gr! That creepo Draco grinds my gears!” By this time Ron had come up and asked me “Hey Lucy what’s up? You looked really mad when you came in to the compartment.” “Oh nothing just that guy Draco was being such a creep when I went to change. He was standing outside the bathroom and told me that I was hanging around the wrong people then told me to come see him if I want to talk more.” I sighed. “I don’t want you to talk to him.” Harry said protectively. Like I wanted to, I thought frowning.

The train came to a stop and I got all excited. Finally! This was going to be an amazing year! We got off of the train and we heard Hagrid’s booming voice cut through the crowd. “First years! First years over here!” We walked over towards his voice and he smiled down at us. “Hello, Lucy and Harry! Who are your friends?” I looked over and saw that Ron, Hermione, and Neville were standing next to us. “This is Ron, Hermione, and Neville.” I said in order. We all huddled together in a group and got onto tiny little row boats. When we had paddled for a while, we all gasped as a magnificent castle appeared before us. “Behold, Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry!” Hagrid shouted.   

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