"Uff of course." She scoffs. "Can i go now?" She asks with annoyance on her voice. Barry looks at the ground uncomfortably and lets go of her hand.



"When does the next train to Starling City leave?" Hailey asks to the woman behind the desk.

"5:0o pm." She replies as she looks down at her magazine.

"That's enough time." Hailey nods and walks away from the desk, she grabs her phone and dials Oliver's number.


"Haiz, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, i just need a favor."


"Everything has a natural frequency.
And since sound is expressed as a vibration, if the pitch of the sound matches the natural vibration frequency of an object, then-" Barry says as he puts a glass and in front of it a speaker.

" So, you're saying that can happen to anything, Not just glass?" Joe asks with furrowed eyebrow.

"Oh yeah." Hailey replies as she walks into the room. "Sorry i had to take care of something."

"Can we talk later?" Barry says as he approaches Hailey.

"When it's later?" She tilts her head.

"What about 6:00? We can eat some dinner and talk." He says with a smile and Hailey bites her lip.

"I won't be here." She replies as she wrinkles her nose. Barry chuckles and scratches the back of his neck.

"What do you mean you won't be here?" He asks and Hailey shakes her head.

"Let's get to work." She smiles. "So you think that thats what happened back on Dr.Wells house?" She says standing besides Joe.

"Yeah." Barry responds still a little confused by Hailey's behavior.

"He is using some kind of sonic technology." Hailey snaps her fingers.
"Now that would totally make sense."

"I think Dr.Wells is hiding something." Joe says out of the blue.
Hailey suddenly feels sick, something on her stomach.

"I have to go." She runs away to the bathroom and locks herself.

"Hailey! Hailey open the door!" Barry knocks the door multiple times. "Don't make me open it!! Hailey!"

"Barry no-"

Hailey feels something being sucked out of her and blood starts coming out of her mouth.

"Hailey!" Barry yells as he takes down the door and sees Hailey laying on the floor with blood all over her.

"What's wrong with me, Barry?" She says and her eyes widen as she feels another sting on her stomach.

"I will take you to S.T.A.R Labs." He says and takes her into her arms, running as fast as possible to S.T.A.R Labs.

"Caitlin!" He shouts as soon as he gets into the building.

"What's- oh god Hailey." She rushes to the bed were Barry laid Hailey.

"Cait it burns." She lets out a cry of pain.

Caitlin injects her a sedative. Hailey feels everything dizzy before passing out.

Barry runs a hand through his hair, Cisco and Dr.Wells look shocked at Hailey.

Suddenly Hailey wakes up, breathing heavily as she does.

"I can't-"

"Hailey you are okay, you are fine" Caitlin reassures as she takes Hailey's hand. "Did the pain stop?"

Hailey nods slowly as she looks down at her chest, her shirt drenched in blood.

"Oh god." She looks horrified. "I have been feeling sick all day." She clarifies.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Barry asks with an angry look on his face.

"I thought it was nothing." Hailey replies.

"You should of-"

"Barry there are multiple 911 calls, Rathaway Industries is under attack." Cisco informs and Barry sighs loudly, he gets changed into his suit and leaves the building.

"Caitlin what time is it?" Hailey asks, earning a frown from Cait.

"3:00 pm, why did you ask?"

"I need to leave." Hailey gets up and Cait grabs her hand.

"No no no no. Where are you going?"

"Starling City, Cait please let go of me." Hailey pleads.

"Does Barry know?" Caitlin raises her eyebrows.

"There is not time, Cait." Hailey sighs. "I need time to think and Ollie is going to help me train."

"Think about what?" Caitlin insists. "I won't be a witness of you breaking Barry's heart."

"Oh please. Caitlin let go."

Hailey uses her powers to push Cait away, not too hard.

And she disappears, no goodbyes.

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