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we're walking to their car and I'm amazed its a Mercedes of some sort. I'm not really a car person I just know some.

"What's wrong son you never see a Mercedes?"

I shook my head no

I got in the back and put in my headphones and listened to my favorite band, Blood on the dance floor. I'm a band boy guess I don't really like anything else but bands.

I'm looking out the window and saw big houses like I mean HUGE houses. We pulled in to one of the huge houses and my jaw dropped... No way... What do theses people do, sale drugs?

"Ummm... What do you guys do for a living?"

They laughed "I guess you noticed the house" Amy said

"Well my husband is a NFL football that plays for the steelers and I'm a clothing designer"

Oh god I just hit the jackpot there's no way it could get better than this

"So you ready to see the house and your room" Tim said

"My room?"

"We'll of course we got you a room and I'm so excited for you to see it" Amy said

We got out the car and got my bags. Amy stood at the door excitedly and opened the door.

"Welcome to your new home sasuke!"

I walked in and it looks even bigger inside. I felt like a prince being adopted.

"Wow" I said

"Yeah sport we got that from our son when he came here to" Tim said

Then there's that... I would really like to know who mystery boy is.. It's making me nervous because a lot of kids hated me for no reason in foster care.

"When is mystery boy getting home?" I asked Amy

She laughed "He should be getting home from swimming practice in a half hour, lets go check out your room"

She lead me up a stair way and two hallways... What is this a hotel?

"Close your eyes"

I closed my eyes and she pushed me in a room


I opened, it was a dream room. It was dark blue and it had painted stars on the ceilings.

"How did you know I like stars?"

"Well we weren't going to bring you in our home with out know something's about you"

She read my profile. I don't care because I love my room.

"Do you like it"

" I love it, I never felt so welcomed at a home. Thank you so much"

"I'm so happy you like it"

She hugged me tight and started to cry.

"Sasuke can I talk to you for a min?" She asked

"Sure, about what?"

I sat on my new bed and started to fidget with my hands nervously

"Sasuke we know about your past and what happened to your parents"

I looked down, I knew it was to good to be true she's gonna hate me and find me weird

"Sasuke whatever you need we're for you we don't judge on people's past, even though we haven't got to know you well, me and Tim love you"

I started to cry, I never felt so welcomed in a family. She sat next to me and hugged me. I have a good feeling with this family and I hope I'm right.

"I'm going to start dinner and you can unpack okay?"


She left and I unpacked my clothes and my memory box. That's all I really had and I didn't have much close because the foster home fund got cut a lot.

It been a long good day so I'm going to take a shower.

I got in the shower and I was so confused. How does this fucking thing turn on?

"Ummm.... Open sesimi" I shouted at it

I felt dom.. I started feeling on the walls and finally felt a button and I pressed it and finally water. It was ice cold... Great... I didn't have time to figure how to turn it warm so I just tried to ignore it and take a shower. I was done

"Now how does it turn off?"

Ummm... I pressed the button and it turned scolding hot so I jumped out the shower. The water just magically stop. FINALLY

I walked back in my room and threw on some sweats and a t-shirt. I hope there not those people that gets all dressed up dinner because there about get a disappointment.

"DINNERS READY!!" Amy screamed

I wander what's for dinner. I walked out my room, dammit I'm lost already. I just depended on my nose to get where the food was.

After a couple minutes I found it... Food. And it was my favorite, mash potatoes, steak and green beans. They only made it for my birthday at the foster home but my mom use to make it all the time for me before she died.

I sat in a chair waiting for everyone to come sit at the table. Tim came and sat at the head if the table and Amy say in chair by him.

"Oh sasuke if I knew if you were going to take a shower I would've showed you how it worked, I'm sorry" Amy said

"It's okay and thanks for making my favorite food"

"No problem, anything to make you feel like home" Amy said

"And sasuke we would do anything to make you feel like home" Tim added and smiled

"Am I allowed to eat" I asked

Amy laughed "We have to wait for the other one he will be home any-"

"Tim, Amy I'm home!!"

"Speaking of the devil, were in the dining room come and eat"

Mystery boy walked in and my heart dropped... It's him...


Boom chappy two down xD I've been on a roll today I posted 4 total chapters today :D If you liked it vote it if you have suggestions comment and if u hated it my book didnt like you anyway lol bye

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