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Warnings:lots of cheese and Alistair doing whatever he does best

The two Wardens sat by the food as Alistair cut himself another large wedge of cheese. Amela gave him an amused look as he shoved half of it down his throat in one bite.

"How much of that stuff are you going to eat?" Amela was going to say something more... inappropriate, but that would most likely make the poor lad choke and possibly die. Such a pessimist.

"What? I'm just a guy with an addiction to cheese. What's wrong with that?" He asked with his mouth full of cheese. Amela rolled her eyes as she took away the rest of the cheese wheel from him. Alistair glared at her and shifted between the cold, dead glare directed to her, then a loving gaze to the cheese that she held in her arms.

"Now while you have fun with that, I have more important things to do," she mumbled to Alistair as she stood up and began to walk to her tent.

"But the cheese! You took the cheese!" She heard rushed footsteps behind her, and before she knew it, she was pinned to the ground with an Alistair Theirin lying on top of her making grabby hands at the cheese that was just out of reach. But, Amela held his waist like a vice, so he couldn't reach the cheese.

"That's my cheese! No!" Amela cried as Alistair broke from her grasp and pounced onto the cheese, cackling like maniac all the way to his tent. She glared daggers at his tent- hoping somehow the tent with catch fire and burn the cheese. And him.

"Alistair Theirin! You get you scrawny white ass out here or the cheese won't be the only thing you lose!" Amela screamed on the top of her lungs, stomping her foot on the ground like a five-year-old that didn't get their way. All she got in return was a loud, hearty laugh that came ground the tent, yet slightly muffled from the distance and hide.

"Never!" He yelled back, laughter seeping into his voice. He had done it. He had ignored her wishes, and hadn't given her the cheese. Now, it was time for drastic measures.

"Okay then. I guess I'll just have to get Dogmeat to do the job," she trailed off and chuckled when a small scream came from the tent.

"Don't you dare, you... you... you...?" Alistair said cautiously stepping out of his tent and into the night to see everyone- except Amela.

"I got the cheese!" She screamed in his ear as she ran off into the woods, her long blonde hair trailing after her.

"Amela Tabris! You get your perfect elf butt back here!" He screamed back as he took off after her and the cheese, but he couldn't help the large, Cheshire grin gracing his face.


Slight update, yet same concept. Cheese, Alistair, Tabris. What could go wrong?


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