Chapter 4

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The next morning we woke up to the sun shining through the blinds. I got up out of the bed and walked to the window and pulled back the curtains. I could see the grains of sand on the beach turning pink and orange and the waves were rolling in and out across the shore. It was so beautiful, I had never really been awake early enough to see it at my house. As I was standing there I felt arms wrap softly around my waist and I felt a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning beautiful." I looked over into those large green eyes and to that smile I loved so much. Before I realized it there was a smile spreading across my face. 

"Good morning." I felt his grip around my waist tighten. 

"Are you ready for this morning's plans?" He whispered in my ear. I felt my face turning a crimson red as I nodded.

"What do you have planned?" I was so curious because he hadn't told me anything about this weekend's plans. This whole trip was a huge surprise and he said he'd take care of everything and I knew he definitely would, I was so excited about this weekend. I saw his smile widen.

"It's a surprise, why don't you get ready. I know you packed clothes but I got you some clothes that I thought you might like. They're in the bathroom hanging up. I'll see you in a few minutes." He kissed me on the cheek and directed me over to this huge bathroom, he walked away and closed the door after I had walked in. Hanging on the towel rack were a few different outfits hanging up. I picked this amazing floral summer dress. It was a long black maxi dress with pink floral patterns on it. I put it on and got refreshed and headed out the door. I came out of the room and looked up to see Alex sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Wow, you look amazing Keely." He smiled widely. "Alright, here we go on our first amazing day." We walked out of the door and got into the car. As we started driving I looked out the window at the beautiful sites that we passed. We were in the car for about twenty minutes when we stopped at this little cafe on the beach. We got out of the car and walked in to these friendly people that sat us down at a table outside on the deck, there was a slight breeze so it felt amazing. We had a great breakfast and then we went to this amazing amusement park where we got to play put put, drive go carts, and play in the arcade. Once we had finished with the amusement park we went back to the cabin, by this time the sun was starting to set and I got to take some amazing pictures in the car. Once we got back to the cabin Alex started a small fire out back on the porch and we sat next to it to keep warm and shelter ourselves from the slightly stronger breeze. It was so peaceful to be just me and my love sitting there in the quiet listening to the waves roll while making smores. Alex looked up at me, "Keely, you are so amazing. I love you so much." I looked at him and smiled.

"I love you too Alex." He scooted closer to me and took my face in his hands, I was staring into his green eyes which had turned a shade of orange and yellow, he pulled me closer to him and pressed his soft lips against mine. I felt so amazing in that moment it was like nothing could compare. I know if someone asked me what the feeling was I wouldn't be able to explain it to them, I knew in that moment I had the most amazing boyfriend ever. He pulled away slowly and looked back into my eyes. "You're so amazing Alex.. I can't explain how I feel when I'm around you." He smiled and kissed me again.

"I feel exactly the same Keely." He kissed me again and held me around the waist in his strong arms. I felt so safe, secure, and amazing in that moment....

(Hope you liked this chapter, sorry if it was a sucky ending. I will have the new chapter up tomorrow or the day after that! Thanks again for reading! :D)

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