Chapter 2

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The days went on as usual on Thursday Lauren and I had class all day, that's always so much fun, we finally got our assignment for our research paper for English, I was hoping we would get it because I'm a slow writer and I really needed to get started on it. Then Friday there was no class but Lauren and I had to work, it was a pretty easy night, and we got a ton of tips being that it was Friday night. But then Saturday came and I was majorly excited, I woke up around eleven and started to get ready. I put on my bathing suit, my sundress, and some sandals. My phone's text message tone rang and sure enough it was Alex,

Hey, I'll be there in ten to pick you up. Are you ready for a fun filled day? I laughed and nodded to myself.

Yeah, can't wait! Text me when you pull up and I'll come outside. I couldn't wait until he pulled up, I knew those butterflies would be back once he gave me that perfect smile. My heart would probably flutter again too, it was so weird how he made me feel like this, but I kind of liked it. It's like that good feeling you get when it's like 100 degrees outside and you jump into a body of ice cold water, amaaazing. A few minutes later I got another text.

I'm here! C: I smiled, grabbed my things, and ran outside to his car. I hopped into the passenger seat and looked over and coincidently met his eyes at the exact same time he was looking over at me. Those green eyes were glistening in the sun and the butterflies crept back into my stomach.

"Hey Keely, nice to see you again." And there he went smiling that perfect smile that drove me crazy. I giggled while putting on my seatbelt.

"It's nice to see you again too, alrighty, you ready to get our day on?" I laughed in my head, that sentance sounded funny to me for some reason. He laughed as we pulled out of my driveway.

"Definitely," He nodded. "So what do you want to do first?"

I contemplated, "I think we should go play some put put so I can show you up." I gave an evil grin and rubbed my hands together like an evil villain with a master plot to destroy my nemises. Of course he was going to laugh at that, I wanted him to anyways.

"Alright Dr. Evil. Let's do this." He got all pumped up. This was great, he even had my sense of humor. We pulled up to the putput course and we raced to get to the green and start demolishing one another. He found out that my favorite color is purple because of the ball I chose and his turned out to be green, the color of his beautiful eyes. We went through all eighteen holes, I won the first round and then we went again and he won.  So it was even, and we even got the grand prize at the end of the games. He won me a giant giraffe, I don't know why but those are my favorite animals, I think I admire how tall they are and they make the funniest noise ever it's like "Maaaah." I think Alex was humored by it. When we got back to the car and climbed in and I put my giraffe in the back he looked over and gave me a perfect smile.

"So what's next?" He asked. I rubbed my chin and put on my thinking face.

"Can we go get some grub? I'm starving." I heard my stomach growl as we pulled away from the course. He nodded and we drove off.

"We're going to this awesome seafood place." He was trying to explain the restaurant without giving away the name because he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Awesome, I love seafood." I felt my stomach growl again and I frowned a little bit. I hadn't eaten dinner the previous night, being at work and all. We took a turn onto one of those side streets at the beach, the ones with all the restaurants and sports bars on them and went to the very end to where the beach was a few feet away from us. I looked up and figured out he had taken me to one of my favorite restaurants of all time. Joe's Crab Shack! I love this restaurant not only because of the good food but also because every thirty minutes they break out in dance and you can join along. They also have this awesome birthday thing that they do, one year they had me put on a giant cowboy hat and run around the restaurant pretending I was riding a horse (it was one of those little play horses). I had a giant grin on my face as we stepped out of the car and I guess Alex was looking over at me because this is what he said next.

"It looks like I made a good choice." He laughed at me because of my excitement.

"Yes, a great choice. This is my favorite restaurant of all time." I nodded. We went in and we got to sit at one of the outside tables which is literally on the beach. We had the greatest time, we got the bucket of crab and shared that with some veggies and two drinks. I even got to dance the macorena and the electric slide with the Crab Shack crew. After we had finished eating we paid for our food and left a tip and since we were already so close to the beach, we decided to go then and there. After everything quieted down and most of the people had left the beach because it was getting dark we decided to hang on the sand and talk. We were also watching the sunset and it was beautiful and romantic.

"So," I started. "Why'd you come up to me on Wednesday and say not Lauren or any of the other girls in our class I don't know." He skipped a shell through the sand and looked at me.

"Because, you're so beautiful and you seemed to be a lot like me. I know it sounds kind of stalkerish but I've been watching you and Lauren since the first day of class. I noticed how cute it was when you laughed, or when Lauren and you would joke about stuff, sometimes I heard the jokes and they were hilarious." He smiled.

The butterflies were roaring in my stomach and my heart was fluttering, just being here and watching the sunset with this ridiculously handsome man, on a beautiful beach. It was so great. "So, do you do anything besides school?" I asked. "Like do you have a job or something."

"Well, I'm part of the Army reserves right now, but other than that, I don't do much outside of school." He smiled at me and laid his head on my lap. I could feel my face turning red, luckily there wasn't a ton of light out so he couldn't really see it. But the next thing I said slipped out without me thinking about what I was going to say.

"Hey Alex? Do you believe in love at first sight? Or fate or whatever it's called?" I asked nervously while the butterflies were flying around my stomach. He looked up at me with those green eyes, they looked so warm and inviting.

"Yes, I actually do. And I think it brought me to you." He smiled warmly and sat up. My face had to have been bright red then, and don't get me started on how my stomach and heart were feeling right about now. I think I might have squeaked before what happened next. He was sitting in front of me now and he leaned in, he took my face in his soft warm hands and pulled my face close to his, and in the next instant in front of the setting sun, on the beach with the waves crashing on the sand, my lips were in his. He kissed me gently and it was a kiss I never wanted to end. We sat there for the next hour talking, laughing, kissing, and just hanging out being together. Later, he drove me home and before I got out of the car he wooed me with that perfect smile again and gave me another perfect kiss. I smiled as I got out and did circles as I walked into my house, that was one of the best nights ever.

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