Chapter 1

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I figured it out... I was in love, and not only was I in love. My love was about to leave, not in the It's over and I never want to see you again leave, but as in the I'm leaving on deployment and I hope that I come back leave. He told me he would come back, he told me he would stay safe just for me, but it's so hard to believe that when you've seen and heard so many things in the news about soldiers leaving and not coming back to their loved ones, friends, and families. My whole world was crashing down on me in an instant and I didn't know what to do, I remember how it all started....

"Keely!" I heard a voice scream. I looked over and it was my best friend Lauren.

"Hey, sorry about that I guess I was just zoning out." I rubbed the back of my head smiling. "What's up?" She looked at me and laughed.

"You're always going off into your own little world aren't you?" I laughed and nodded my head. "Well, anyways, are we going to class or not? If we don't head out now we're going to be late." I looked over at the clock, it was already 10:30 in the morning. How did time go by so fast.

"Um, yeah. Let's head out." Lauren and I were in college and our class started at eleven, we had been best friends since we were little kids and had always stuck together through thick and thin. Our Mom's met each other at one of those groups for military wives when Lauren and I were like six and we have been best friends since then. We've always gone to the same school, been in the same grade, heck we even have birthdays close to each other so we're always the same age too. She's like the sister I never got to have because after me Mom had her tubes tied, she didn't want anymore kids after me because she didn't want to spend all that money on diapers and stuff again, besides, me by myself I was a handful to take care of.

Lauren and I hopped in my car and we headed out, our college was in town and it was pretty big, so it didn't take too much time to get there and there was no way someone couldn't find it if they saw it, it took up an entire road by itself. When we got there we headed to our History class, which to me is my most interesting class it having everything to do with World War 2, I loved it and I may seem like a freak for saying it but I love learning about WW2. I mean it was a terrible war and all but it's pretty much the only war I love learning extensive details about. When we got to our class, we took our usual seats and waited for class to start. Lauren and I were talking when I looked up and saw this majorly hot guy walk into the classroom, it was strange though cause I had never seen him before but I'm usually looking off into space so that wasn't unusual. I honestly diidn't know like half of the people in our classroom, I knew Lauren would probably know who he was, her being a social butterfly and all. I jabbed her in the ribs,

"Hey Lauren, who is that?" I pointed him out. She grabbed her ribs, punched me back, and looked up with a smile.

"Oh that's Alex. He's been in our class from day one but you don't ever really notice the people that walk into the classroom." I nodded, she was definitely right if I had seen him before I would definitely know. He had light brown hair that was crew cut, his eyes were green, he was tan, and he was slim. And he was coming straight toward me. In my head I was freaking out wondering what I should say, how would I greet him. Then he was standing right in front of me.

"Hello." He smiled and how would I have guessed, perfect sparkling teeth. I giggled a little, like one of those embarrising little girl laughs.

"Heh, Hey." I smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart was beating like a million beats per minute. He put his hand out.

"I'm Alex, Alex Kleyh." I took his hand and shook it.

"Keely, Keely Everett. Nice to meet you Alex." His hand was super soft and warm, what was I saying his hand really? I laughed a little, not at him mind you.

"Well Keely, it's nice to meet you too. Do you mind if I sit here?" He pointed to the seat next to me.

"Uh, sure." I scooted over a little so he would have room to put his stuff down. The teacher walked in and class started, today we were talking about the Holocaust and what provoked Hitler to start such a terrible thing. After class was finished we all stood up and walked out. Lauren and I were planning on hitting the mall since we had no more classes for the day and as I was walking out I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and luck would have it, it was Alex standing there smiling.

"Hey Keely, I wanted to give you this." He slipped me a little piece of folded up paper. "Call me sometime." He gave me his perfect smile and started to back up to go to his car when he ran into a trash can and almost fell over. I couldn't help but laugh, not in a laughing at him kind of way, but in a well that was adorable kind of way. He laughed it off and turned around and walked to his car. I smiled and unfolded the piece of paper and sure enough there was his number written down. I squealed a little girl screech and Lauren laughed at me.

"Goofy, goofy girl." She said as we headed to our car and to the mall. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Come on, if a cute guy like that gave you his number, you can't tell me you wouldn't be happy too." She shrugged and sighed.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I laughed.

"Uh huh, probably." We both busted out in laughter.

We spent most of the day at the mall and we even got to go and see a movie. It's great having a good paying job and a scholarship in which you get to keep all of the extra money. Lauren and I finally got home, we share this little house at the beach. It's really nice and cozy and perfect for the both of us, the whole beach loving thing and all. I decided to call Alex when I got up to my room while Lauren made us some dinner. I dialed the number and right after the second ring Alex picked up.

"Yello, this is Alex." I laughed.

"Well, yello to you too. This is Keely from history." I smiled. Damn, those butterflies were back.

"Oh hey!" I could almost hear him smile, "It's nice of you to call, did you have a good rest of the day?" I nodded, I knew he couldn't see it but it seemed like it would be weird if I didn't do it.

"Yeah, Lauren and I went to the mall and hung out. She's making us dinner right now." I could smell the aroma of fettucini alfredo and chicken, it was making my stomach growl.

"Oh, that's cool. Do you two live together?"

"Yeah, we live at the beach." I could hear a TV in the background at his house.

"That's cool, I love going out to the beach to hang out with my best friend Neko. We go out there a lot cause he lives out there with his Mom and two brothers, conserving the money he has you know." I definitely knew that, but I liked not living with my mom, it's cool to be able to do whatever you want without someone trying to tell you that you can't do this or that.

"Yeah, so what are you up to?" I asked.

"Not much, just chilling, watching the tube a bit. Say, are you busy this weekend?" He asked, I bet he was smiling one of those perfect smiles.

"No, I'm not really doing much of anything."

"Well, do you want to hang out, we can go to the mall or the movies, or we can even go to the beach if you want. I know of this awesome seafood place, that is if you like seafood, and that is if you want to go." I laughed a little, he was being so adorable.

"That sounds awesome. I would love that." Those butterflies just got like ten times stronger to the point where I felt like I might throw up, not in a bad way but in a this is awesome kind of way.

"Great! I'll pick you up at twelve then?" He sounded so excited.

"Sounds good to me, it's a date." I smiled and was felt my face turning red.

"Yep! A date." I could hear him smile. "Well, I'm gonna go make some dinner, so I'll see you on Saturday at twelve!"

"Alright, see you then." I hung up the phone. I was so excited and the butterflies were swimming in my stomach now. No one had really ever made me feel this way before and it was crazy that this guy was. Lauren then screamed that dinner was finished so I ran down and ate some while telling her about my awesome date on Saturday. I told her about the butterflies I felt and everything. Saturday was going to be awesome!

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