Me:- Harry i think she is awaking up

and that got him shouting of the couch and to the floor then running our direction he came from the other side of Hope

she slowly opened her eyes blinking a couple times then setting her eyes on me

Me:- hey there how are you feeling?

she slowly started pointing to her trout and i put some water in a cup before helping her drink it

Hope:- what happened? where am i ?

Me:- well talk about what happened when you get better ok now lets focus on you get better

she nodded and that's when the door opened and the doctor came in and check on her

Doc:- it seems she's fine you can take her home but she needs to rest for at least a week and i recommened don't stress her to much her brain is still recovering and the less moving the better

i nodded and thanked the doctor we packed her stuff and i went to sigh the paper to let her out Harry picked her up and she slept in his arms half way though the drive i decided i would drive her to my house it's more comfortable there for all of us and Harry can have one of the guest rooms if he wants to stay over

we slowly took her to her room Harry placed her under the sheets and i tucked her in he kissed her forehead

we walked out her room and left the door to hear her if she called we walked out and i sat on the couch while Harry walked in the kitchen seconds later he came back with a water of bottle

Harry:- am going to head home and see if Niall can make some food for Hope and i will be back as soon as possible ok

i nodded and layed back while Harry walked out the house i rested my head on the couch pillow and sat there for a couple minutes before walking to the kitchen to make some coffee for myself while i was waiting the door bell rang and i went to open it and let me tell you i was suprised to see who was on the other side of the door it was Alfredo and he looked like crap

Alfedo:- am really sorry Justin i never meant for her to get hurt that was the last thing i wanted i love her Justin

Me:- come in Fredo i have some cloths of yours in the guest room you can shower and change then come back and I'll finish making coffee then will talk ok

he nodded and i showed him to the room i went back to the kitchen to close the coffee machine

he came after about 30 min looking a little better i handed him his coffee and it was silent for a little while until he spoke up

Fredo:- How is she?

Me:- she's doing good so far she can't do a lot of work so she can't stress her brain which will result in more damage

Fredo:- i really am sorry

Me:- i know Fredo

we sat down into silence i walked into the kitchen and ordered pizza for me and Fredo when i came back i found that Fredo was sleeping on the couch i put a blanket over him and i waiting in the other living room for the pizza about 10 mins later he came and i gave him his money pulse a tip and he asked for a picture so i gave him one he thanked me and left

 i ate half of it and then i heard screaming coming from upstairs so i ran as fast as i could and found Hope screaming her lungs out and i didn't know what to do so i called her doc and explained everything i saw and answered few questions she told me that she was having a nightmare and she is releaving it with her brain being a little damaged she thinks she in the dream and it's real like she's half awake and they told me to leave her cause if i wake her up something wrong might happen

Fredo walked in a few minutes later after i was done with the phone he asked whats happening and i went outside so i wouldn't wake her and i told him he should be going home and rest well and come tomorrow and he didn't want to at first but then he left

it's been about half an hour and she's still screaming and crying and tossing in the bed and i felt horrible that i couldn't do anything to stop what's making her do this

20 minutes later*

her screaming started to lighter stop and i was thankful and she started to wake up after she stoped screaming and but she still was crying so when she saw me i went to her and hugged her and wispered Be Alright lyrics to her after a while she slept in my arms so i slowly took off my shoes and set her head on my chest and she hugged me in her sleep and slept and to be honest i closed my eyes and slept to

Harry's point of view:-

Niall finished cooking and i drove to Justin's house and i came in the house and couldn't find him so i went to Hope's room and i found Justin and Hope sleeping i pulled the covers and i went to the kitchen and put the found in the microwave and wrote a note " Hey i left food in the microwave for the both of you call me when Hope wakes up i went home -Harry*

i closed the door and left

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