They Drugged The Wrong Girl

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"According to the test results you were both given a heavy amount of sedatives last night. This is not, in any way, an accidental dosage. This was deliberate. Whoever did this wanted you to be disoriented and have little, to no recollection of the evening."

Why would someone want to drug me? I can understand drugging a prince for cash or a good ransom, but why drug me too? This was deliberate. That means whoever did this knows who I am. But how?

"I don't think this is right. First, I have been remembering bits and pieces from that night. If I was drugged as much as Jay, then I shouldn't have any memory. Second, there is no reason to drug a random girl just out of college. My net worth is in the negatives. Why did they want me?"

The whole room fell silent, something that is probably a rarity considering the occupants. The king, also known as Jay's dad, took the head of the much too large table. He seemed to fill the whole room, demanding respect.

“Well, it seems that you were given a significantly smaller dose of the drugs. Right now we don’t know if that was accidental or intentional. But that is why you have been having these flashbacks. Everything you remember is important. The more you remember, the more likely we are to figure this entire thing out.”

Jay still seems more pissed about the whole situation than he is letting on. But that is his job right? He should always seem cool, calm, and collected in the face of chaos. Earlier he tried to hold my hand, but it honestly felt awkward. It seemed like an obligation, not a caring gesture, so I smack it away.

Thankfully, Alex has not graced us with his presence. I know that Jay said that they were close, but so far I haven't seen it. Maybe they are just in fight. Or God is having pity on me.

"You cheeky bastard. You go to America for a weekend and you end up married to the hottest girl in the country. I have taught you well." And speak of the devil. Alex definitely knows how to make an entrance, sending a knowing wink my way and ending with a dramatic bow. To everyone else it probably seemed like a sweet gesture, but to me, it shot straight from my heart to my pants.

It was a sweet gesture. He meant nothing by it. Pull yourself out of this fairytale you think you are in and pay attention.

Without much emotion, Jay looked over at his brother to say, "Hi Alex. Yes, I got married. This is Peyton, I'm sure the two of you will get to know each other very well."

Oh God I hope that is the case. Stop being so stinking slutty. I do not care if his abs make you just want to do, God knows what with him. He is off limits, period.

“Hi, I’m Peyton. It is nice to meet you.”

“Alex, and let me assure you, the pleasure is all mine, love.”

With a kiss to my hand, and a burning sensation that remained where his lips had been, we seemingly met for the first time. Looking around at a room of smiling people, I began to realize that no one knew about our little encounter earlier. Thank goodness, that would have made it so much more awkward.

“Now that we are all acquainted, let’s get back to the matter at hand. We have to figure out who would drug the two of you. There is paper on the table, write down a list of anyone who would consider you an enemy, we can take it from there.”

Sitting down with Jay on one side and Alex on the other, I stared blankly at the paper trying to think of someone who hated me. While Jay’s sheet was filled with names, mine was still blank.

“Peyton, we won’t judge you based on what you write down, we just really need to know.” Of course, Jay is being so sensible. He thinks that I’m hiding something, goodness I wish that I was, that would make this so much easier.

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