2. Wake-up call

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So I decided to post another chapter, just for the heck of it and because I know people won't read stories with only 1 chapter. I've already got like 6 or 7 chapters ready, but I'm not gonna post them very soon. Somehow it is easier for me to write boyxboy, so yeah this is going faster than It's a little Strange, but don't worry I'm not gonna leave that story. :)



My sleep didn't last very long as I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air. My shirt was all soaked in sweat and it felt like my body was on fire. I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned at the turning feeling in my stomach. As quick as I could I got up, my vision blurring and dizziness filling my head. I barely even made it to the toilet in the bathroom besides our bedroom, before I collapsed and threw up in the white bowl.

The throwing up didn't stop and the sound of it probably woke up Zayn who was suddenly behind me. ' Oh shit Niall.' He said softly, biting his lip as he saw me hanging over the bowl. I didn't bother to look up, feeling another flow coming up and I bend my head again. There was the sound of hurried footsteps dying and just a few seconds later two pair came back. Zayn got Liam, because he himself wasn't so good in these situations. I felt Liam's hand caressing my hair as he sat down behind me, making sure I knew he was there for me. It was nice to have someone helping you although I felt a bit of guilt cause I always seemed to be the one who had to get help. Even though I was older now, the guys never stopped protecting me.

Eventually there wasn't much left to come out my mouth and I turned to Liam with tears in my eyes. He smiled caringly at me and handed me some toilet paper and a glass of water. 'Thanks.' I said with a croaked voice and cleaned up. I noticed my face was covered in sweat and my hair was sticking to my burning forehead. After that Liam helped me up and took me back to the bed where Zayn just put a bucket next to my place. Sitting me down, Liam pulled of the wet shirt and made me shiver under his warm touch. I may be sweating like a pig, I still felt really really cold.

Liam quickly got me a new shirt and hugged me tightly after putting it on. 'Now go to sleep again, I'm staying with you in case you have to throw up again, use the bucket by the way. Zayn's going to sleep in the other bed.' I gave a weak nod as he tugged me in and went to lay besides me. 'Just wake me if you're not feeling well or need anything, okay?' He said quietly laying his head down on the pillow. I gave a quick nod and ran a hand through my wet hair to keep it from sticking to my forehead.

After 15 minutes of trying to find a comfortable position and going back to sleep, it was clear to me that I wouldn't be able to sleep any time soon. I still felt sweat rolling of my body, making my shirt all soaked again. But I couldn't find the strength to get up and take it of so I stayed under the blanket. Though I didn't feel like I had to throw up, I still felt really ill. I even kind of wished I had to throw up, because usually I would feel better after.

In my mind one thought after the other tumbled over each other and it would be really nice if it just stopped. Random thoughts and memories hoovered through me head and even made the little sense they had, into a mess. Eventually they did stop but not at something nice. The memory of Dave telling me that if I didn't do it, the band would suffer from it, came to my mind and I turned to Liam's side.

'Li?' I whispered hoping he was still awake. Of course his eyes fluttered open and he gave me a smile. 'You okay?' He asked just like before when we got into the van. 'Yeah... well not really, but I wanted to ask you something.' He quirked his eyebrows and sat up a bit, his hand supporting his head. 'Alright, ask away.' For a moment I thought about what I was about to ask and wiped the sweat of my face. 'Well... Would you do it, pretend to be gay with one of us to keep our band? If you didn't have Danielle of course.'

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