Chapter 26

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Sweat is covering my body. My hands feel sore and just the thought of my bed makes me even more tired. I've been at the gym for hours, starting with the tread mill, but realized only running wasn't helping, so I moved on to the punching bag and stayed there most of the time. It wasn't until I realized I needed to pack for my flight tomorrow morning did I finally stop. It's funny because starting this morning, I didn't think today would play out how it did. I don't know how it got so bad.

8 hours earlier

Take deep breaths. In and out. Waiting for Hayes to get here will be the death of me, every passing moment I think of different outcomes that this conversation will bring. Finally I hear a knock at the door and hurry to answer it. I swing the door open and see a happy Hayes standing there. He steps forward and automatically leans in to kiss me, however I step back from him and walk back over to the couch. "Am I in trouble?" Hayes jokes while joining me on the couch. I swallow and try to come up with something to say to start the conversation I need to have. "Ab you're worrying me. What's the matter?" he asks with concern, his joking manner gone from his previous question. "We built this relationship on honesty. I'm falling for you Hayes", I finally start to let words spill out. Hayes shifts and confusion crosses his face. "Ab that's not a bad thing. Why is your tone not happy?" he asks me. "I've been falling for you too. I know new love can be kind of scary but..." he starts to continue, but I interrupt him by asking, "Why did Chance and I break up?" My question takes him back, causing him to not answer right away. "He cheated on you, by letting someone go down on him", he answers truthfully. I take another hard swallow and barely have the courage to ask, "And what's the reason you and Carter aren't talking?" There it is. The same ghastly expression that was on Chance's face when I asked about the girl. "Did you not do the same?" I ask him. His eyes are wide and he still hasn't spoken a word. "Did you think I wouldn't find out? You know exactly what Chance did, yet you had the audacity to pursue me when you did the same thing to one of your best friends! What the f**k Hayes! Say something! Say anything! Say I'm wrong, I need you to tell me I'm wrong", I begin to find the confidence I need. The more he sits there I feel I'm losing us every second. "I'm not him", are the only words Hayes finally decides to tell me. I scoff at him and question, "The fact that you don't see it, makes me second guess everything I saw in you. If you didn't think about what you did as wrong then you could do it again. How can I look at you the same? Maybe you aren't the person I thought you were?"

Hayes shoots off of the couch and begins to raise his voice as well. "It's not the same! No one cheated on anyone! Yes it was stupid, yes it was the very same action Chance did, but Abbi...f**k...Abbi don't do this. It happened before you came into my life. It happened before I fell in love with you", he yells, but ends up on his knees in front of me at the end with sadness in his voice. "Let me ask you this Hayes. Did you feel bad for doing it?" I ask him. Hayes while still on the floor, looks up at me and I can feel my heart tearing from the look he's giving me. "I know what you want me to say, but I promised to be honest with you. So here it is, no. No I didn't feel bad for doing it, at the time it just happened. But as of right now, sitting in front of you, I'd take it all back. For you I'd do anything to get you to look at me the way you used to, because right now you're looking at me like I'm him. Like I'm the monster he was to you", he replies. "Isn't that the problem Hayes? The reason you feel bad is because I brought it up. I feel like you were hiding it from me. If you really think that it's no big deal than you would have told me when I mentioned Carter a while ago", I tell him trying to still hold onto any ounce of anger I have, because I feel at any moment I'll finally break. Hayes gets up on his feet again and begins to pace around the room, tugging at his hair some. "Oh and how do you suppose I should have brought it up? By the way future girlfriend I let Carter's ex-girlfriend go down on me, that's the reason we aren't talking. Great conversational piece. I mean just admit it Abbi, even if I would have told you the truth from the start we would still be having this conversation. I'd lose in both scenarios", he begins to yell again. For a second a frown appears on my face, but I wipe it away immediately, because I know the words I'm about to say can't be with a frown. "You're right Hayes. Completely. We would be having this same conversation in both cases, that's why I think it would have been better if I never met you. If we never became a couple", I reply with while matching his gaze.

Hayes comes back over to where I am and sits next to me on the couch again. "What are you trying to say?" he questions. I sigh and answer, "I regret ever choosing you. I should have known better." Then there it is, the first tear falls down Hayes' face. I have to look away and collect myself before I break apart. "You don't mean that", he begs and takes my hand into his, however I immediately remove it. "Except I do Hayes, because this time I want to be with someone I trust to not break my heart and I'm sorry to say that's not you. All the trust our relationship was based on is challenged, because you did it once, you'll most likely do it again", I tell him while looking back in his direction. "I won't! Abbi can't you see that everything's different now that you're in my life?" he asks me. I stand up from the couch and say with no emotion, "I don't want to be in a relationship where I don't feel trust between us. I'm sorry Hayes, but I'm ending us and I think you should leave now."

Defeat. Loss. Pain. Sadness. Regret. That's what is on Hayes' face right now. He doesn't say a word as he walks to the door. As he stands in the doorway, however he looks back at me one last time and finally asks, "Are you sure there's nothing I can do? Are you sure there's not hope for us?" I look him in the eyes while replying, "I don't want someone that only feels sorry because he got caught, because now in my eyes you and Chance are exactly the same. And that reason alone is why we will never be able to be together." Then just like that he's gone. Hayes is gone.

Everything hits me in a wave, causing me to fall to my knees. My tears are falling down so fast I can't see a thing, so I just lay on the floor and hold my legs against my chest. Then the feeling of numbness takes over and the tears slow down. It had to be done. How could Hayes and I be together if I would doubt everything about him?

Present time

I place my plane ticket on top of my already packed suitcase, so in the morning I can leave early for the airport. "Are you sure you have to leave?" Twan asks while I sit down on the bed next to him. "From everything that's happened today, I know he'll be the only one to help me get better. I need to see him in order to move on with my life", I reply while turning towards Twan. He frowns slightly and comments, "But its Chance we're talking about. You're visiting Chance." I sigh and tell him, "I know."


Thank you again to everyone reading!

So what did everyone think of the chapter? I did warn that the last nine or so chapters were packed with surprises....with that I will confirm that Hayes and Abbi are over. This chapter is the last of their relationship, but does that mean she'll end up with someone else??? Who knows?

With their end, this is the last chapter dedicated to Hayes. I hope people don't hate on me too much for thinking that Abbi was going to end up with Hayes, but hang on with me, we're almost done with Abbi's summer.

Well until next week :)

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