Chapter 1

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"Why is he here?" I ask Chance. "Calm down Ab, he's my friend and since the other day went well with the two of you. I thought it would be okay if you two hung out," he answers. I glare at him but can't keep the stare, I love him too much. I smile and reach up to give him a quick kiss. He pulls me closer so the kiss lasts and I end up leaning into him. I step back and tell him, "Okay Mr. Sutton, you better hope everything goes smoothly." I turn around and look at Jake, he's giving me a smile. 

Chance grabs my hand and takes me over to the table where Jake is. We sit down and I'm across from Jake in the booth, while Chance is next to me. "So Abbi how was your day?" Jake asks me. I look up at him and don't say anything. Chance nudges me and I roll my eyes then answer Jake, "It was great until now. Considering I thought it was just going to be my boyfriend and I." Jake's smile falls and he looks me in the eyes while saying, "I didn't know that. I'm sorry." Then just like that he gets up and leaves.

"Abbi, what the hell was that?" Chance asks me with frustration. I look over at him and can tell he's mad, so I get up and go after Jake. I see him getting on his motorcycle and run up to him. He looks up at me and doesn't say anything. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything Jake. I missed you so much and I couldn't believe that you could just leave and forget about everything we planned. You were the most important person Jake. You were my best friend," I confess to him and can feel water begin to collect at my eyes. He takes his helmet off and gets off his bike.

"Abbi I missed you like crazy too, but you know I was following my dream. If it were you that had the chance to leave first I would've supported you. Yes, sad that you left, but would've been there for you. I love you Ab and when you cut me off, broke my heart," Jake tells me with tears in his eyes as well. He wraps me in his arms and I let the tears fall. "Man I've missed this; I've missed you," he whispers to me. I laugh and stay in his arms, but look up at him. "Friends?" I ask him. He smiles and wipes some of the tears off my face. "Best of friends, like how it's always been and always will be," he replies.

"Wow that was beautiful," I hear someone behind me say. I turn to see Chance there and I can't tell what his facial expression reads. "Hey Chance. Did you send Abbi after me?" Jake asks him. But Chance only looks at us, after a bit he looks at the ground and says, "No, she came out here on her own." Jake looks down at me and gives me a kiss on my forehead while putting an arm around my shoulder. "I knew you couldn't stay away," he whispers. I laugh and playfully push him away, but he grabs my waist to pull me back to him. I look back to Chance and ask, "Why don't we go back in?" Chance gives me a slight smile and answers, "I actually don't feel well and want to go back to the apartment. You two should go back in and catch up." I quickly say, "No."

Chance gives me a questioning look and asks, "No? No, what?" I stare him down and reply, "No I don't believe you. Something's wrong and you aren't saying anything about it. Tell me Chance now." Jake lets his arm down from me and says out loud, "He thinks we'll exclude him, now that we're friends again. In which, he's worried that I'll tell you his secret." I look at Jake and ask, "What secret?"

I look over at Chance and there's concern written all over his face. "Jake," I softly say. My imagination is making this all worse. What if he slept with someone? What if now she's pregnant with his child? "Jake!" I finally yell. I turn to look at Jake now and find him biting his lip, as if he's torn in two about confessing. "It's nothing really, Jake's just being dramatic. Right man?" Chance tries to reassure. "Yeah sorry Abbi it's nothing. He just got drunk one night and I know how you don't like that if you're not there," Jake admits right after. However, I know them both like no one else and they're lying.

I frown and walk away from all of them going back into the restaurant. If they wanted to lie to me, then fine I don't care. I take a seat in the booth, but don't scoot over so Chance can sit there. "Ab scoot over," Chance voices. I look up at him and say bluntly, "You can sit with Jake." He stands there looking at me with hurt until Jake says, "C'mon man."

"You've been awfully quiet Ab," Chance comments as I'm eating. "I don't have anything to say to either of you," I truthfully admit to the both of them with no emotion. "What's wrong? Are you mad that I got drunk?" Chance asks me. I look up at him and Jake while putting my fork down and say, "I couldn't care less Chance, because I know you're lying. The both of you are. Yes, maybe Chance did get drunk, but that wasn't the secret Jake was going to say. And until one of you tells me, f**k the both of you," I reply while getting up from the booth. "I've lost my appetite," I add while leaving.

I go to Twan's apartment, since that's where I'm staying. "Hey," he greets when I walk through. "Jeez what's wrong?" Twan adds once he sees me. I go and sit on the couch next to him, which he turns the TV off. "Jake and Chance are lying to me about something. Oh by the way I forgave Jake," I reply while leaning back. "What's the lie?" he asks calmly. I look over and there's concern on his face. I sigh and sit back up to turn towards Twan. "Jake mentioned this secret of Chance's and he was going to say it, but then he said that Chance got drunk. However, I know him and that's not what he was going to say," I say with frustration. He sighs and tells me. "Chance did get drunk. I was there, which Jake was drunk too." More frustration fills me as I say, "But I know there's something more Twan. I know there is."

He grabs my hand and says softly, "Before I tell you something you have to understand everyone was drinking, maybe not all drunk. But still, anyway I saw Chance go in a room with a girl. She was the one dragging him there. In his defense she kind of looked like you. I don't know what happened back there though. That's all I know." I get off the couch so fast and I can feel tears start to form. "I was right. He slept with someone else," I admit softly myself to keep from falling down and crying. "You don't know that Abbi," Twan tries to reassure while grabbing my shoulders and pulling me in for a hug. "Let's find them and then I will know Twan," I say in his chest. "I'll drive," I hear him say.

This Summer (Jake Paul and friends)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن