Chapter 5

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I wake up in the exact place as I fell asleep, realizing Jack's still holding my hand. I blush, but then also remember he has a girlfriend. I look back up at him and find he's staring at me. Our eyes meet and I blush again. We release our hands and I go to get out of bed. "Good morning Ab," I hear him say. I turn around and he's smiling at me, which I return the smile and tell him, "Good morning to you too Gili."

I go downstairs to smell heaven. "Is that bacon?" I ask. I find the other three guys, plus Cameron Dallas in the kitchen. "Yes it is sunshine, and who might you be?" he asks me. The others are just staring at me. I look down and blush at what I'm wearing. Gilinsky's shirt, but it's long enough that it covers my shorts. "I'm wearing shorts," I say while lifting up the shirt enough so they can see. "You're also wearing Jack Gilinsky's shirt," Nash comments. I ignore him and turn towards Cameron. "Right, well I'm Abbi," I finally tell him my name while extending my hand. "Nice to meet you," he says while shaking my hand.

"How was the couch? I bet you wish now that you slept next to me?' Johnson asks. I look at the ground and luckily  saved by Gilinsky walking in and yelling, "Cameron!" Then going up to give him a hug. "So what did I miss?" Gilinsky asks while grabbing a biscuit to eat. "I was just asking Abbi how sleeping on the couch was," Johnson brings the topic back. Great. Gili stops eating the biscuit and just keeps it in his hand. We lock eyes for a second before I admit, "I wouldn't know."

I look back over at Gili and he's now eating the biscuit again. "What does that mean?" Johnson questions. "Oh juicy," Cameron comments. "It means she got cold, so I told her to come over and we'll share the bed. I was being a gentleman to our house guest," Gilinsky speaks up before me. "I got the impression you didn't want to share a bed last night," Hayes points out. I look over at his direction and find him leaning against the counter looking at the ground.

"It's not a big deal," I tell everyone. "You're wearing his shirt!" Hayes raises his voice. "That's because I didn't want to sleep in my button up shirt. How uncomfortable," I snap back at him. " you guys think I did something with Abbi? Unbelievable, did you forget that I'm with Madison?" Gilinsky starts to raise his voice too. So her name is Madison. "Why are you two getting snappy?" Nash asks Johnson and Hayes while pointing at them. "Nothing it's stupid," Johnson replies. I look over to Hayes and he stares back. "I was jealous," he bluntly answers. My eyes go wide and I back up to only hit something behind me. I look back to see Cameron standing there. He has a huge smile on his face.

"Sorry," I quickly say while going around him and run upstairs to grab my stuff. I go back down and hear Hayes yell, "I was being honest!" Once in front of the kitchen I tell them, "Breakfast smells amazing, but I think I'm going to pass. Thanks for everything guys, really. And I'll return your shirt another day Gili." I turn around and rush towards the front door. "Abbi wait!" I hear someone behind me yell. I turn to see Hayes. I keep going the way I started though, I believe there was a bus stop at the end of the street towards the park. A hand grabs my arm and turns me around. It's Gilinsky. "Let me give you a ride at least," he voices. I think it over and simply nod. He unlocks his jeep and we get in, but Johnson gets in the back behind me.

Once we reach the front of Twan's place, I look over and thank Gili while giving him a hug. I step out of the jeep and walk towards the building. "Wait," I hear a voice behind me say. I look to see Johnson walking my way. "I'm sorry about Hayes. That was pretty crazy," he comments once standing in front of me. Which, we're actually standing pretty close. "We're still friends right?" he asks. But I couldn't tell if the question was directed to me or himself.

"You can't get rid of me that easy," I reply. He laughs and grabs my hand. "Good, because I don't plan on doing so anyways Ab," he whispers while leaning close. "So actually I never got any of your numbers," I try to avert the conversation else where. while leaning away. He laughs and tells me, "That would be helpful wouldn't it." He reaches in his pocket and hands me his phone. I put my number in it and tell him, "Give it to the others and just text me your names. I'll save the numbers from there." He nods and leans real close again. I hitch my breath and feel him place a kiss on my cheek. "Until next time," he whispers. I nod and give him a hug, then turn to go inside the apartment building.

I unlock the door and find the apartment empty. "Twan?" I call out. The bedroom door opens and he walks out with a towel around his hips. "Oh don't worry about putting on clothes for me," I joke. He smiles and comes over to give me a hug, however I run away and yell, "Don't you even think about it! Until you put clothes on you can't lay a finger on me." He laughs and tells me, "Fine. It's not like I've missed you." I fake gasp and put my hand over my heart then fall down on the couch. I hear him still laughing while he goes back into the bedroom.

Once he walks out fully clothed, I tell him, "Much better T." He comes over to where I am on the couch and pulls me to him, to where I have to wrap my arms around him or I'll fall back on the couch. I play with his wet hair and say, "I'm sorry for everything yesterday, I know you worry about me." I feel him shift next to me. "That's what friends are for," he tells me. I shake my head no, then tell him while looking into his eyes, "We both know you aren't just a friend. You mean more to me than an ordinary friend." He smiles and places a kiss on my nose and says, "I'm glad to hear that you finally appreciate me." I laugh and playfully push him.

I tell Twan everything that happened yesterday and today, he sits there listening without interrupting. When I got done he asks, "Do you have feelings for any of them?" I'm taken back by his question. "I don't know," I answer. He keeps a serious expression while asking, "When I asked you right then, who did you think of?" I gasp and try to get up, but his grip on me tightens. "That's not a fair question," I tell him. "So you did think of someone?" he continues with. I look back over to him and finally reply, "Yes I thought of more than one guy."

He smiles at me and says, "You sly girl." I laugh and tell him, "I'm a mess T, honestly it doesn't matter who they were, because I don't want to be in relationship right now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole Chance fiasco." He brings me in for a hug and says, "I'm here for you and I know you'll get past it. Get past him." I lean back and say, "I thought of Hayes, Johnson, and Gilinsky. But also Jake." His face goes serious. "First of all, Hayes is younger than you. So you have to remember not as mature. I have nothing on Johnson, but Gilinsky has a girlfriend. And Jake? Really?" he asks with irritation. I'm taken back by his sudden tone. He gets up and pushes me to the side.

"Did you have feelings for him while you were best friends? Before you were mad at him now? What about Chance, when you were with him?" he continues with the questions. He's now walking back and forth in front of me. I grab his hand and tell him, "I never said I had feelings for any of them." He sits back down and looks at me then puts his head in his hands. He rubs his fingers through his hair and looks my way again. "I guess you didn't," he softly says. Then quickly adds, "I'm sorry for snapping at you. Forgive me?' I smile at him and say, "Always." Then wrap my arms around him.


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it

This is the first time we get a look at Twan and Abbi's interaction by themselves, so I dedicated this chapter to Twan, who ultimately only cares for Abbi's well being and happiness. 

Also any thoughts on who likes Abbi now? I mean Hayes is given, since he blurted out he was jealous. But what about the others? Or any thoughts on who Abbi likes?

Well until next week :)

This Summer (Jake Paul and friends)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ