☆ Chapter 24 ☆

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My heart suddenly felt as though it would palpitate out of my chest. No guy outside my family had ever professed their love for me. Even then, it was merely the casual reassurance from my dad or Tanden when I'd get upset.

I took a few steps back. Of course, my next words would ruin the moment. But I had to tell him eventually. Now was as good a time as ever.

"I'm leaving." The words hung in the air for a while, not seeming to register in Danny's mind. In a split second, everything seemed to become apparent to him; his fists clenched, his stance suddenly becoming stoic.

He shook his head at me. "What do you mean you're leaving?" Something in him seemed even more broken than before.

Our previous argument couldn't hold a candle to this one. The tone of Danny's voice suddenly switched from hopeful to disbelieving, like he'd never even considered that we might have to break up. Like now even the possibility of us staying together was gone.

"College." I said simply to prevent myself from rambling. "I want to go to college. No, I need to go to college."

"College? Why do you need to leave for college?"

"Because I want to do something with my life, Danny. I can't just sit here and have part time jobs while I let everyone provide for me. I lost sight of that when I dropped out of high school but being with you has made me realize I want to make something of myself."

"There are plenty of colleges around here."

"Yeah, but my parents insist that I go to a farther university with more advanced classes. They want me to make something of my life, too."

Danny rested his hand on my shoulder, his eyes an even deeper blue with his tears. "I want you to make something of your life. But you can do that and still be with me."

"I don't..." My voice cracked, betraying me. "I don't think I can."

"You don't need your parents' help." He insisted suddenly. There was a new sort of determination in his eyes, his grip on my shoulder increasing slightly. "I can help you go through college. I'll get a job, Cas. Whatever it takes for us to-"

"No." I shifted his hand away from me, an urgency in my voice. "You're not getting it. I need to do this for myself without your help. I'm sorry, Danny."

"You're being so selfish!" He exploded. "You keep talking about yourself, what you need. What about what I need?"

"And what do you need?"

"You." He said simply. "Damn it, I just told you I love you. That took everything I had. And now you want to leave without so much as a parting glance?"

"I'm sorry. This is what I have to do."

I turned, heading back to the apartment to get my bags and pack them. Yet I couldn't help but notice the figure crumbling to the ground from the corner of my eye. I was leaving yet another person broken in my wake.

After all, I had just cut off ties with one of the most important people I'd ever had in my life. Possibly one of the only people I'd cared for this deeply. But I'd made up my mind. This was the path I needed to take, for the sake of my own future.

And I was prepared to make the journey alone. 

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~Stay Amazing~

xoxo, InsomniaWriting

Over the Edge ☆ Danny Edge {EP}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora