Life Without Humanity

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Dear diary,

Life without humanity didn't go so well. To begin with that was. Though I'm still learning to control my thirst for human blood, I'm getting their slowly. The good thing is, I only killed two people since I changed. I know that doesn't sound like a good thing, but most new be vampires kill at least a hundred. Toby says it's good to joke about it, helps keep me sane. It dose if I didn't joke about it, I would go crazy. Of corse writing it all down helps two. Their are perks to being a turned vampire. Like my super, super hearing. In fact all my senses are even more heightened than Toby's.

Gretl is actually also a witch. Which explains all her weird behaviour. Real witches are very rare as they where almost hunted to extinction. There the balance in nature and when they disappeared shape shifters where born. Like a cheaper of version of witches. Apart from real witches don't have the amazing talent of shifting. Though Gretl wished she did.

My dad became King, but handed his throne to Evangeline, though she handed it down to Ivan. Now Ivan is king of Enchanted. Evangeline is still a queen just in her own land, Fantasia. As Ivan became King, my sister became queen. Now the people have two fair and just leaders to rule them.

Aidan and Ruby run the caffè together. They live in her apartment together.

Mr and Mrs Nightingale bought a house not far from us as Del found her true love in my friend Louis. Meaning me and Toby get to see each other all the time. Toby and I adopted Gretl seen as now I'm a turns vampire I can't have kids. So everything is going good and I'm soon on my way to overcoming my thirst for blood.

And although my life has its problems, I will never wish to be normal.
I am Emma and I am Enchanted.

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