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Dear diary,

It has been a day since I found out about Ruby. My Mom wouldn't stop apologising to me about it. I told her that I could handle it like a thousands times over. She doesn't listen. I can't believe shes a werewolf, god knows what else exist now. I though there was no such thing as the supernatural until two days ago. Now I'm starting to believe that Enchanted could be real. What if Toby's supernatural? Don't be silly Emma cores not, it's not even possible. But what if I was possible what am I going to do?

It's my birthday today. Seventeen whop, joking I'm dreading it. Ruby just had to reminded me yesterday that Toby had something big planed. Honestly I would rather stay at home and do nothing, I don't want to be around Toby right now. Not with all this happening anyway. As usual Mom is making me go. In fact she is shouting me right now to come down and open my present, it's not like I don't already know what it is.

I climbed out of bed and slipped my pyjama hoodie over my head. I trudged down the stairs and into the living room. My Mom was sat on the floor waiting for me. "Morning birthday girl".

"Thanks Mom, morning". I said as she handed me a big soft square present. I smiled at her sat down and began tearing off the paper. Even though I knew what it was, I was still excited to try it on. I pulled it out of the paper and held it up in front of me. I new that I was never going to take it of already. I stood up and slipped it on for size. It fit perfectly, I spun around in front of the hall mirror . I could see my Moms anxious face in the back ground. "I love it Mom, thanks so much". I herd her sigh a sigh of relief. "You welcome, I'm just glad you like it". I smiled at her. Then there was a knock at the door. I looked at my Mom and the smile on her face was obvious, she clearly new who it was. I opened the front door to be greeted by Ruby. "Happy birthday". She shouted as she pulled a party popper in my face. "Hahaha thanks Ruby, come in". She passed by me and went into the living room. I shut the door behind me. She was sat on the floor when I came in. "I got you this, I thought you could do with one, might save you some money even". I looked at her a bit confused but I smiled anyway. I began to open it, I could sense that it was a bid square box. I pulled of the rapper. It was a raspberry and bubblegum ice cream maker. "Haha cool thanks Ruby I love it". She smiled. "Go get ready don't want to be late now do you".

"Get ready for what?"

"Sorry, my lips are sealed its top secret".

I sighed and got up from the sofa, I trudged up stairs. "Well aren't you coming to help me get ready!" I shouted, I heard her laugh and she rushed up the stairs. I smiled as she came in my room. I pulled open my wardrobe door and stood looking at all my clothes. "Ugh do you ever get that feeling where you fell like you have no clothes and nothing looked good on you?"

"Yup I get it all the time".

"Okay I'm going to go in the shower first you can wait there if you want".

"Sure". I smiled at her and hopped in the shower. After I was done I dried of and slipped on my underwear. I came out with my dressing gown on and my hair rapped in my head towel. I sat down on my bed next to Ruby. I sighed. My Mom popped her head round the door. "Your not ready, why?"

"I have nothing to wear".

"You have all them lovely clothes". She eyed my wardrobe. "I know but you know that feeling that's really hard to describe". She nodded. "Come on I think I might have something". I looked at Ruby and excitement shone from her eyes. I smiled at her as we bumped each other while walking up the stairs. Mom lead us to the attic, it once was an art room but now we just used it for storage. I begged my Mom to change it back but she never said yes. I once found a painting of a really handsome man up here, but when I asked my Mom about it she locked up and wouldn't say anything. "This should fit perfectly". She held up a red lace dress. "Oh my god its beautiful, where on earth did you get it?"

Emma EnchantedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin