The Ball

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Dear diary

Tonight is the ball. The big day or should I say night, I could possibly be meeting my farther and sister for the first time. I'm so nervous. I'm writing this on a piece of paper right now because I left my diary at home by accident. So I will note it down in their when we get back. If I ever get back. Things could still go wrong. Plus I'm not even ready yet. Well I have been in the shower. At the moment I'm sat at Edelweiss's dresser, as she is doing my hair . I'm having it the same way it was earlier. Braided at each side with small braids dotted around in my curly blond hair. Edelweiss has her long black curly hair half up half down. She applies some light sparkling gold eyeshadow on my eye lids and defines my eyes in a black liquid eyeliner, then she tops it of with black mascara. She also applies so really light pale foundation and a light peach blusher. To finish my new look she applies a deep crimson purple lipstick to my lips. 'All done'. She says and I stand up and hug her.

"Thank you so much, I love it".

"Your welcome". I smile at her and she turns into her wardrobe. She's going to look so pretty tonight. Her pale skin, that's now even paler after adding the same pale foundation that she used on me and her bright pink rose cheeks. Her green eyes, the  pale cream eyeshadow she's wearing, eyes outlined like mine with mascara. Along with her beautiful silky black hair and the dress she's now wearing. She steppes out of her walk in wardrobe wearing the most beautiful white dress with hood. She is also carrying my Moms wedding dress over her arm. Gently she hands me the dress. "Thanks".

"Welcome, I wish I had a dress like yours it's gorgeous, where did you get it?"

"It was my Moms, she wore it on her wedding day". She smiled at me. "Anyway way your dress is just as pretty if not more".

"Haha thanks". I smiled at her. "So I was thinking as lovely as your name is, it's a bit of a moth full and seen as I'm going to be with you night I figured I would call you Del".

"Sure, I like it".

"Cool". I stepped into my dress and zipped up the side zipper. "Crap!" I said out loud at the realisation I didn't have any shoes to go with it. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to bring shoes for tonight".

"I think I might be able to help with that". She said while plunging into her wardrobe and fishing around in it for a while. Finally she emerged with a pair of shiny gold heals that matched the colour of my eye shadow. "Are you sure, these look like they cost a lot of money".

"I'm sure, there yours besides I have loads".

"Thanks so much, I love them and they go so well with my dress". She smiled at me. I watched as she knelt down on her floor. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see". She lifted up one of her floor boards and took out a large trinket box. She placed the bored back down gently and picked up the box. She sat on the end of her bed and I stood over her, eager to see what was in side. Slowly she lifted the lid and whatever it was had caught the light as it reflected of it and into my eyes. I was surprised at what I saw. I was expecting jewellery or money but what my eyes met where the most beautiful pair of shoes I had ever seen. Pure glass. "Wow". Was all I could say. "Haha my fairy god mother gave me them".

Emma EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now