Light and Dark magic

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I have been trying to use my magic for a day now but still there's nothing. Toby says there are two different kinds of magic light and dark. Shape shifters can't have both only one or the other. A bit like witches. Whether you posses light or dark magic it is determined when you are very young and dark magic doesn't occur often. He can tell I possess the light. Well that's what he says anyway 'You possess the light Emma, you just need to find it'. This has become is favourite saying. He tells me my sister possesses the light magic too. He says he can tell by looking at the colours in her drawings. Toby says every shape shifter can turn into different things that where not all the same but that I probably have some of the same shapes as my sister.

My Mom is becoming suspicious as I have been finding it hard to balance practicing magic and  home work. I don't like lying to her, but she would try to stop me if she new what I was doing. She would be devastated if she knew that I knew about dad and Katerina. She must have kept it from me for a reason and I didn't want to dig up memories from the past that could upset her. I don't want to worry her ether so I will tell her I'm going to meet Toby's parents and stay there for a few days. A she don't know that Toby's is Aidan's brother.

It's the last day for me to practice magic before we have to go back to Enchanted so I have a early morning.

"Morning Emma".

"Morning Mom".

"So are you already for Ruby's?" I sighed. "No I'm going to meet Toby's parents and I have nothing to wear".

"Well your in luck I have something for you". I followed my Mom up the stairs and into the loft once more. She pulled up on of the floor boards with a chisel. "I was going to give this to you when you where old enough so I hid it because knowing you, you'd beg me for it and knowing me well, I wouldn't be able to resist". She pulled out a cardboard box and placed it on the floor. Then she carefully put the floorboard back in place pushing it in with the other end of the chisel. She cut through the sellotape and pulled open the box. She pulled out a dress. It's was a plum colour and it was very beautiful. It was like someone had gotten tissue paper and rapped it around themselves, it cascaded out just above the knees. "It was my wedding dress and I hope one day you will wear it as yours". I nodded not wanting to ask any questions. "I love it and I promise I will keep it clean and safe". She placed her hand on my head and left the room. I slipped on the dress and it would have fit if I could only reach the zip at the back. I was just about to shout my mam when I thought I would try to contact Toby.

I pictured him in my mind and repeated his name over and over again. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. "You don't have to shout so loud you know I can hear you". His smile was bright and wide. "Omg I actually did it, I telepathically communicated". I laughed with him. He stopped laughing when he saw my dress. "What a beautiful dress, you look gorgeous". He said while zipping it up at the back. "Thanks it was my mothers wedding dress. It will be okay for the ball won't it it's not modern or anything?"

"No it's perfect". I noticed that he couldn't help but look at me. I shied away turning my head. He brought it round with with his hand and kissed me. I kissed him back lovingly. "I love you Emma Swan".

"And I love you Toby Nightingale". His lips curled into a smile. I heard the veins under his eyes come to the surface and I felt the sharp end of a fang. A tear rolled down his cheek. "Hey it's okay, its natural you don't have to fight it if you don't want to". Then I heard them disappear. I turned round unzipping the dress as far as I could and Toby did the rest. He turned though I never asked him to while I got dressed. I carefully placed the dress back into the bag. "I will wait out side". He disappeared. I rushed down the stairs kissed my Mom on the cheek. "By Mom I'm meeting Toby at Ruby's see you soon".

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