Face it

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After our expedition in the top of the Fun Wheel - I still have no clue how we survived it- we somehow ended up to the only thing working in this whole place.

The swings. Oh, I love the swings. Zayn helped me out and put me on the swing, and slowly pushed the swing, while I had so much fun.

" Yaaay, " I laughed. " You have zero force, Zayn, seriously. " 

" Oh yeah? " he raised an eyebrow, pushing the swing further, as I started to scream. 

" You have the force, okay, slow down, " I panicked, as he slowed down the speed of the swing. 

" Don't ever doubt my force, " he winked as I rolled my eyes.

It felt good, to be far away from problems, from the real life, to be just away with the person you loved. 

I sighed looking at the stars.

" I love the stars, " I found myself saying out loud. 

There was no response. 

" Zayn? " I frowned turning around. There was no one. Alright..

" This is so not funny, Zayn, " I said as I started to panic. " Zayn, c'mon. "

I looked around, and there were only the woods, the abandoned park and the wind. It felt actually creepy.

" Is this the part where a zombie comes and eats my brain? " I asked in frustration. Very stupid of me to ask that, cause a second later a zombie was right in front of me and ate my brain.

End of the story, thanks for reading.

Joking, it was actually Zayn.

" Too much Zombie Apocalypse marathons, " he grinned, his mouth right in front of mine. 

I felt breathless. I actually felt numb. I felt like the 16 years old self, still in love with Zayn. A place where my heart wasn't as broken as it is now. A peaceful place.

I bit my lip, looking at his eyes. They're shade of brown were somehow more intense, his pupils slightly dilated, our breaths somehow synchronizing in unison. I could see the grey cloud in front of my mouth, expecting the anticipation, the tension building between us growing.

Someone had to make the next move, and the butterflies from my stomach were fluttering so hard, as they were threatening to come outside as a puke if I don't do something. So I pressed my cold lips against his, tasting the sweetness left from the gum he chewed, everything getting so peaceful. He responded the kiss, sliding his hand behind my neck, as I put my hands around his fingers. The kiss was gentle and sweet, but I could feel the fire, the passion behind it, I felt wanted. I never felt so wanted not even when I was with Louis. Did he ever felt like this? I wanted him, maybe my mind was starting to get cray-cray but I wanted Zayn. For the moment, for now, forever. Did Perrie made him feel this way? Perrie.

" Stop, " I said, breaking the kiss and looking at him in the eye. " We can't. " 

" Gigi, " he said, trying to regain his breath, " I.. I like you. I've been liking you for years now. "

My eyes widened in surprise.

" Perrie.. " 

He sighed in frustration.

" The relationship between Perrie and me started with a contract from modest. Yes, we got pretty close, and we became good friends but that's all. I never felt that way around her. Not as I am around you, " he said as butterflies started growing in my chest.

I bit my lip. 

" I feel bad about this. "

" I'll finish everything with her tomorrow, I promise, " he said. 

Was I over Louis? my mind asked me. The best way to get over someone was to date someone else, but I didn't wanted Zayn to be only a replacement in my heart, I wanted something serious.

" If we're going to do this, we'll have to do it slowly, " I said as he frowned. " Really slowly, because I'm still getting over my old relationship. "

He bit his lip, thinking about it.

" Okay, we'll take it slowly, " he sighed. He got closer, and I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he choose to plant a soft kiss on my forehead. 

" Let's get going, " he smiled.


We were in my apartment. 

" How come everything is so clean? " he asked.

" I got bored, " I said.

He gave be a disbelieving look. 

I went straight to my room. 

" Do you want me to help you? " he asked eyeing my PJ's, while smirking.

" I'm good thanks, " I laughed " Still having the hands to work with. "

I somehow managed to be able to dress and undress, it was hard and really weird, and if you'd see the way I struggle, you would either cry or laugh till death. After I finished dressing I called him in.

He helped me lay in bed, covering me with the fluffy blankets.

" How come you manage to be independent even in a situation like this? " he asked biting his lip.

" Talent. " I laughed. 

" I guess it is. " he said, getting a strand of hair out of my eyes and tucking it behind my ear. He looked at the nightstand, noticing the two pink tickets there. Sht, I forgot to throw those away.

" Victoria's Secret? " he asked.

" Yeah, I was planning to go and watch, " I admitted. " But now, it doesn't matter anymore, I don't want to go. "

" Why not? "

" Because it would hurt to watch, " I said not meeting his eyes. He stayed silent for a moment before speaking again.

" You should come with me. You can't hide forever from something that once made you smile. "

" It would only kill me inside. "

" It only kills you if you let it have the power over you. " 

" Said any victim of a serial criminal? " I offered as he laughed.

" I'll go with you. You don't have to face your fears alone, I'll do it with you, " he smiled squeezing my hand in a gentle way.

I felt shocked and my heart started beating faster. 

" Thank you, Zayn, " I whispered, feeling my eyes heavily, " For eveything."

Those were my last words before I went into the sleeping mood after such a busy day. 

Once Upon A Wheelchair [Zigi]Where stories live. Discover now