Fun Wheel

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The night was silently making it's way over the city, and I felt beyond nervous. Zayn refused to tell me where we were going, and I wasn't able to protest, since he carried me -against my will- to the car. I was biting my lip looking outside, and I realized we were close to the very edge of London. So we were clearly going in another place. 

" So, how do you like the new job? " he asked his eyes still locked on the road.

" I really like it. Your mother is amazing, " I said smiling. She was such a great woman, she never even asked about my condition, and that's what made me really comfortable.

" I'm glad to hear that, " he smiled in response.

I knew he was trying to make conversation and I did my best to squeeze my brain to think about something, a subject, anything.

" How are the boys? " I asked regretting to bring the subject in the second the words left my mouth. By the way his eyes flashed, I knew what he was thinking ' Poor Gigi, I introduced her to my best friend just to see her alone 4 years later heartbroken and all that drama '.

Honestly, I actually did my best to hide my pain, I would keep it somewhere locked so people wouldn't see through me. It would've been a miracle to actually work. 

" They- " he stuttered " Th-they're good. We're really excited for the new tour. " 

" Oh, are you now? " I said eyeing him. I knew his deepest secrets, we were childhood best friends, and I knew very well the fact he never liked boy bands and his biggest dream was to be a solo singer. But the contract was beyond expensive, and in order to end it he would have to give up everything he built up till now. 

" You know me well, " he said, a smile appearing on one of his lips' corner. 

" Of course I do, what are friends for? " I smiled and watched as his lip turned upside down. I bit my lip, did I say something wrong? 

" We're almost here, " he said and I turned to look through the window, but all I could see was a plain field. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to see Zayn, his features covered by a devilish smile.

" I see nothing. "

" Not yet, " he answered and I raised an eyebrow.


20 minutes later, we were driving through the woods and I got even more confused.

" Are you trying to get me into the woods, and suddenly sparkle on the light of the moon, confessing me that you are a vampire? " I eyed him. 

" Too much Twilight, Gigi, " he laughed.

" Where are we- " but my sentence was left unfinished, when I saw what was in front of me. 

It was The Fair. Not any random fair, but the fair. A big abandoned fair, that I always wanted to visit. 

" What's that? " Zayn asked looking behind my shoulder at my computer. 

" I was thinking what I should do for my 16th birthday. I always wanted to go to a fair, "  I told him while looking at the photos. 

" But that's an abandoned fair, " he pointed out, " how are you going to have fun in a fair like that? " He asked, his eyebrows turning into a soft frown. 

" That's the thing, " I said wearing a win-win smile " since it's abandoned there's no one to disturb me from quietly having fun on my birthday. " 

" Boring, " he said rolling his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes.

" Not as boring as you think, " I explained " I heard it's haunted, " I told him while his eyes seemed interested once again.

Once Upon A Wheelchair [Zigi]Where stories live. Discover now