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Louis’ Perspective:

February 28th 2018

I hear a knock on my door. I don’t answer, I hear Raven say, “You might want to have a shower and clean up, Victoria might come and talk to you one day soon.”

She’s probably just saying that to make me feel better.

I hear the door open and then close, which means they’ve left.

I go upstairs into the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab another beer. I pop off the top, lean against the counter, go to have a sip but then stop.

What if Victoria does come and talk to me? What if Raven was being serious?

I place the beer down and go back to my room. I grab some clean clothes and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I’m done in the shower I shave a little but still leave some hair on my face. I know Victoria thinks I look better this way.

I go back to my room and hear the front door open then close. That’s either Harry or Laura.

“I can’t believe he’s drunk.” I hear Chloe’s voice say.

“That’s Harry for you.” I hear Niall’s voice reply.

“We should take him up to his bed.” Her voice tells Niall

“What? That’s up a flight of stairs.” He complains.

“Sucks.” She says.

They don’t stay long, they are probably only here just made sure Harry didn’t drive home.

I go to bed and try to sleep. I takes me a long time but eventually I fall asleep.

March 1st 2018 

I get up and go upstairs for something to eat. I only have gone upstairs when I knew no one else is there. For example today, Harry won’t be up yet since he was drunk.

I walk into the kitchen and the beer that I had left on the counter yesterday was gone. Harry must have come down last night for it.

I grab a bowl, some cereal, pour in the milk, and then start eating.

“Could I have some?” I hear, that’s a voice I haven’t heard in a long time. I turn around and see Victoria standing in front of me.

She looks like she’s taken a shower just earlier today her hair is still a bit wet. It also looks like she didn’t get much sleep last night, or many nights at all. She’s wearing a plaid shirt with some jeans. Even with the bags under her eyes she looks stunning.

“Sure.” I say. I get out a bowl and a spoon and give them to her.

She pours barely any cereal into her bowl, adds the milk, and then say, “Thanks.”

“How have you been?” I ask her unsure of what to say.

“Alright.” She says before taking a bite of her cereal.

We both just stand and eat our cereal. I have no idea of what to say. It’s like all my thoughts just left my mind.

“Is Raven coming again anytime soon?” I ask her after a couple of minutes.

“Later today.” She tells me.

She must be finished because she puts her bowl in the sink. “Thanks again for the cereal.” She says then leaves the kitchen down the stairs.

Victoria talked to me.

“Why is everyone so loud this morning?” I hear Harry ask then appear in the kitchen doorframe.

Nothing Lasts Forever (One Direction Dream Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora