She's Back

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Laura’s Perspective:

February 28th 2018

We sit down on her couch, I put down my phone on the table, and then she hands me a cup of coffee.

“So what happened?” Alex asks me.

“I just left.” I tell her.

“I realized that, but why?” She questions.

“Louis and Harry’s friendship is really important. They’ve been friends for so long. It can’t just end. I know you probably think I’m weird because that’s the reason I left but I don’t care because I know I did the right thing.” I tell her.

“I think your weird, but I get were your coming from. How did they even get into a fight in the first place?” She asks.

“Louis is just.” I pause to think of the word to say, “Off? With Victoria the way she is, and without Harry he has no one.”

“I know. Ever since the day it happened. He just looked crushed looking at her. I didn’t know what to do.” She tells me.

“I forgot you were there with him.” I admit.

“I still can’t help but blame myself. If I never asked her to come to my house that day, this never would have happened.” She says sadly.

“Alex, unless you were the driver of the car that hit her, you are not responsible.” I tell her.

“But if she didn’t come-”

“Alex, shut up. It’s not your fault you wanted to see your friend on her birthday. It could have been anyone’s house she was leaving.” I say cutting her off.

“But it wasn’t anyone else’s house.” She says. “Does Louis blame me?” She asks.

“I don’t think so. I don’t think he blames anyone, he’s to sad.” I tell her.

“That’s good. Well, you know what I mean.” She says.

My phone then starts to light up, someone’s calling me. Please say it’s not Harry.

I look at who it is, Chloe.

“Hello.” I say answering the phone.

“Harry called Niall and told him what happened and Niall told me. Are you okay?” She asks me.

“Well, I just left my house without an explanation and Harry probably either hates me or frustrated at me for not explaining myself.” I tell her. “What do you think?” I ask.

“He’s just sad and confused. He is frustrated, but not at you. He blames himself.” She tells me.

“Everyone seems to blame themselves.” I say looking at Alex.

“Where are you?” She asks.

“At a friends.” I tell her.

“Who’s?” She asks.

“Harry asked you to ask didn’t he.” I ask.

There is silent’s. “Yes.” She finally says.

“He wanted to see if I could give him my phone so he could talk to you so, it’s better.” She tells me.

“Well I’m safe, so if he asks you can let him know.” I tell her.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later, bye.” She says then hangs up.

“Bye?” I say locking my phone.

“Harry told them what happened?” Alex asks.

“Yup.” I tell her. “I can’t believe he would call Niall just to tell someone.” I add.

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