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What is a God?

Some deem this to be a benign existential query;

Thought only by those who are weary and on their final breath.

I respectfully disagree,

For if we are not to ponder this question, then who will?

It is our duty to fill this silence with a crescendo,

A symphony of human conciousness so that perhaps, in time,

Generations to come can look to the past and see the truth;

That it is we who are Gods.

We who have both the power to create, as well as destroy,

We who have control over life and death,

We who are found everywhere, almost as an omnipresent force,

We who take what is ours, but give little,

We who are beings that deserve to be lost to the tides of time.

So they shan't share the same fate, and repeat our mistakes,

That lead to the downfall of empathy.

For if we as it is are created in a God's image,

Then I know not the meaning of the term "faith".

Uncreative Title: The Poem AnthologyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora