Movie Night

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The team had just gotten back from a mission and they were all relaxing in the 'living room'. They just sat in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

12 minutes.

"I'm bored." Wally said as he hung upside down from the couch. "What are we gonna do for the rest of the day?"

"Actually, Connor and I are going out," M'Gann said. She and Superboy then proceeded to leave.

"We're going shopping," Artemis said as her and Zatanna left as well.

"My king had said he wanted me in Atlantis. I must be going." Aqualad was gone.

Wally looked at Robin. He just shrugged.

"So, we're alone now. Do you know what that means?" Wally asked as he wiggled his eyebrows. Robin grinned.


Robin and Kid Flash sat on the couch in their civvies, both with their own bowl of popcorn, as their favorite part of The Avengers was on the screen

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Robin and Kid Flash sat on the couch in their civvies, both with their own bowl of popcorn, as their favorite part of The Avengers was on the screen. They both watched with grins as The Hulk grabbed Loki in the middle of his sentence and swung him back and forth, repeatedly hitting him into the ground.

"Puny god," both boys quoted as Hulk walked away.

"The Hulk is obviously the best Avenger," Robin said, knowing it would start an argument, as it did every time.

"Pfft. Yeah right. Ironman is so much better."

"Hulk," Robin taunted as he threw popcorn at Wally.

"Ironman." He threw popcorn back.

Soon popcorn was flying everywhere as the boys kept shouting about which hero was best.

Wally tackled Robin and began tickling him. Robin let out a cackle, though it was different from the one he used when in battle.

"Say it!" Wally grinned.

"NEVER!" Robin declared.

Wally smirked as he tickled him behind his knee, knowing that was his weak spot.

"OKAY OKAY! I GIVE! Ironman is better." he gasped out. He panted heavily as Wally stopped tickling him. He then noticed what position they were in and fought back a blush. Wally was straddling him with Robin's back resting against the arm of the couch.

Wally didn't seem to notice as he gazed at Robin's face, though he grew frustrated as he couldn't see his eyes, due to the sunglasses resting on his nose. He slowly reached up and touched the sunglasses, giving Robin a look that said 'May I?'.

Robin hesitated, but slowly nodded.

Wally prepared himself as he took off Robin's glasses, only to be disappointed as he saw Robin's eyes were closed. He folded his glasses and set them on the coffee table. He then lifted a hand to Robin's cheek.

"Dick," he said softly. Robin slowly opened his eyes, and Wally's breath hitched. Nothing could've prepared him for the beautiful ocean blue eyes that peered up at him, holding such raw emotion.

"So pretty." His eyes widened as he realized he said that out loud. He then noticed a deep blush cross Dick's features, causing all thoughts to be completely erased from his mind.

As he gazed into Dick's eyes, he didn't noticed how close they were getting, until their noses brushed against each other. He slowly began to close the small gap between them--

"Recognized: Batman 02"

Batman entered Mount Justice to see Wally and Dick looking at him with wide eyes and flushed faces, with Wally straddling Robin, popcorn everywhere and the ending credits of The Avengers playing across the TV screen.

He narrowed his eyes at the two boys who seemed frozen.

"You're both grounded."

Movie Night (Birdflash)Where stories live. Discover now