33: No Matter What

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A/N: Just sayin' hey to all my precious readers, you guys mean a lot to me. How are you enjoying the story so far, what's your favourite part? Hugs ❤️

The pack were gathered in the living room at the Hale house, minus Isaac. Jackson was stretched out across the couch and Scott was slouched in an armchair while Derek paced the room impatiently. The room reeked of irritation and suspense. Nobody had said anything about it yet, but Danny wasn't present for some reason.

"Where the hell is Isaac?" Derek sighed. Scott had texted him at least 5 times since the meeting had started and he was nowhere to be seen. "He does know there's a meeting today right?"
"I texted him a few times but he's not answering." Scott answered. Derek fixed him with a look then shook his head in disapproval.

"I take it this is your fault?" She said, exasperation unmistakable in his voice.
"Maybe you should text him." And with that, Scott relayed the phone number to Derek who typed it in then held the phone to his ear. "Or call him. Whatever." They waited and listened to the faint beeping of the phone.

"Isaac, if you don't get your ass to this meeting right now I'm going to decorate my porch with your head." Derek snarled through the receiver, then hung up. The remaining four of them sat in complete silence, scared of angering their alpha further. Thankfully, it took Isaac all of seven minutes to run to the meeting and plop down on the couch with Jackson forcing him to move up, much to the blond's dismay. He wiped his brow dramatically, ignoring the glare that Derek was shooting him.

"Right, we need to get down to business. I have an idea of how we're going to lure Peter out of wherever the hell he is and get him to lead us to Stiles." Derek began. The four boys sat up straight at this, interests piqued.
"If we have to lure him how the hell is he going to lead us to his hiding place?" Jackson snorted.

"If you'd shut up for more than five minutes you'd know." Derek snapped. "We have a big advantage, Peter doesn't know the exact size of our pack and he also doesn't know we've recruited Jackson. For this reason, he'll only be expecting Scott and I to be looking for him." He elaborated and faces lit up with understanding and hope. It was sounding promising so far.

"Secondly, Peter most likely doesn't know Stiles' parents are hunters so we can use that to our advantage too, I haven't thought of how yet but we'll probably need them present to decide that." The boys all nodded in agreement. The plan was sounding more and more auspicious every time Derek spoke.

"Lastly, how we'll actually lure him out in the first place. Jackson is key in this part of the plan so we need you, Stiles needs you, to take this seriously and not be an absolute dick about it." Derek instructed. Jackson rolled his eyes but eventually raised his hands in surrender. Despite his general 'don't care' attitude, he recognised the seriousness of what had to be done.

"Jackson and Peter have a connection due to him being the one to bite him. If my assumption that he did this to potentially start a pack is correct, he'll be looking for him. So what we do is, we leave Jackson in the woods where he was bitten at night and we mask our scents and surround him. When Peter comes, I propose that Scott and Jackson attack him, but only wound him to the point he won't want to continue the fight." Derek paused for breath.

"Then what?" Scott jumped in, apprehensive at the thought of attacking his uncle, who was a full fledged wolf.
"Then you make an agreement with him. Tell him to piss off and not to enter our territory. You make out like we don't care that Stiles is gone and we just want to protect our pack of three and the territory. When he goes back to wherever he's keeping Stiles, Isaac and I will follow as more experienced wolves and we'll have to improvise from there onwards." He finished up, inhaling steadily.

The four allowed Derek's words to marinade, all mulling over the potential success or failure of the plan. It was certainly risky, but Scott knew Derek wouldn't leave enough of it to chance for it to fail. A surge of adrenalin coursed through his veins, he was ready to rescue Stiles regardless of the dangers.

Lydia tossed down the pizza box she'd retrieved a minute ago and sat down on the couch next to Allison, passing her a slice.
"So what was the excuse today?" She asked. Allison rolled her eyes, taking a bite out of the slice.

"The guys got together to play video games." She mocked, chewing angrily. This was the third time Scott had blown her off that week. Lydia raised a perfectly-plucked eyebrow, grabbing her own slice.
"I understand he's having a hard time after losing Stiles or whatever but, really?"
"He said that his brother needs him." Allison sighed.

"Why? I thought Stiles was Scott's friend?" She asked, confusion and interest in her pretty eyes.
"Stiles is with Scott's brother." Allison explained, enjoying the way Lydia's expression shifted to shock.
"Like, romantically?" She reiterated, and Allison nodded with a chuckle.

"Don't be jealous Lyds, you'll find your guy." Allison joked, expecting Lydia to respond with a snappy comeback, but inside the strawberry blonde was quiet, smiling weakly.
"Hey, Ally... What would you say if I decided I didn't wanna be with guys anymore?" She asked quietly, Allison wasn't particularly sure what she meant but she was patient.

"That's a little dramatic don't you think? I know you and Jackson were together for a long time and it must have been rough but-"
"Not like that Allison." Lydia interrupted, and Allison shifted on the couch, cocking her head to the side.
"What do you mean?"

Lydia inhaled deeply, avoiding eye contact. Allison felt a pang of worry in her stomach, was Lydia okay?
"I mean like, being with girls." She exhaled. Allison wasn't sure she'd heard correctly, was Lydia saying she was gay? Of course that wasn't likely since her relationship with Jackson had lasted so long.

"Are you bi?" Allison asked, taking Lydia's shaking hands in her own. Lydia shook her head, tears welling in her eyes.
"No, no I'm not Al." She sucked in a breath, holding onto Allison's hands like a lifeline. "I'm gay. I always have been." She admitted finally.

Allison allowed this to sink in. Her best friend was gay. Her first thought was of course, this didn't matter to her in the slightest. She'd always love Lydia no matter who she was attracted to. Her second thought was why had she been with Jackson for so long? Lydia sniffed and dabbed at her eyes with the heel of her hand. Allison pulled her in for a tight hug, stroking her hair.

"Hey, don't cry. You know you're my best friend no matter what." She whispered calmly as Lydia's body shook in her arms. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I was scared." Lydia's voice was muffled and the truth in her tone hurt Allison. She couldn't understand why Lydia would be scared to tell her such a thing.

"I was with Jackson because we were both playing straight." Lydia revealed and Allison had to reign in her shock. Jackson was gay too? She wondered if there was something in the air in Beacon Hills. Allison concluded that it'd be best to save the questions for when Lydia was more composed, so she simply sat and rocked side to side lightly.

"I love you Allison."
"I love you too Lydia."

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