22: Birthday

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A/N: Finally! Sorry this took longer than usual, but hey, it's here! Enjoy, and don't forget, I'm taking Sterek one shot requests!

The second Derek stepped through the front door Scott pounced on him. Metaphorically of course, Derek would slaughter him if he physically jumped him.

"You smell like him again." Derek rolled his eyes at his brother's statement, he wasn't in the mood.
"And you smell like pizza. Are we done playing I smell with my little nose?" He snapped. Scott sighed dramatically.

"You're hogging Stiles."
"He's not a toy." The pair glared at each other stand offishly, Derek's eyes flashed red unintentionally and Scott whimpered in submission. "If you wanna hang out with him so bad why not text him instead of moping like a kicked puppy." He advised, Scott's brow furrowed.

"Maybe I would text him if I didn't feel like he doesn't wanna hang out with me now he has you." Scott said in a small voice. Derek felt a pang of guilt, normally he didn't care that much about Scott's childish tantrums but this was his fault. He punched his brother lightly in the shoulder, a hint of awkwardness present.

"He talks about you a lot, you know." Scott's expression brightened a little.
"He does?" Derek nodded reassuringly.
"Text him, Scott. You're his best friend too." He said firmly. Scott exhaled, rolling his shoulders as if he was tense.

"Maybe we could all hang out together? It's his birthday soon." He suggested enthusiastically. Derek scrunched his nose up.
"And do what?" He asked, hesitance evident in his tone. Scott elbowed him jokingly.
"Treat him to ten buckets of curly fries or something. Come on, I'm not that annoying, am I?"
"You really are."

Scott moved to punch Derek in the arm but he caught his fist and twisted it behind his back.
"We'll go on his birthday, that's Friday if you didn't know. If you get too irritating or tell him any embarrassing stories I'm taking him away."
"He's not a toy." Scott mocked, then whined in pain as Derek tightened his grip on his brother's arm.

"Go to bed Scott." Derek sighed, releasing him after putting Scott through sufficient discomfort.
"Whatever, Derbear." He stuck his tongue out then ran up the stairs like lightening when Derek whipped round to growl at him.

Melissa wandered out of the living room, a book in hand. She cocked an eyebrow at Derek, silently requesting details.
"Stiles, plus you, plus Scott... That sounds like a recipe for disaster to me." She remarked, leaning on the doorway of the living room, one hand on her hip.

"It'll be fine." Derek snapped defensively, Melissa snickered.
"Whatever you say Derbear."
"I swear the next person to call me that is going six feet under."
"No death threats in the house Derek." Melissa scolded comically.

Friday the 8th of April came around surprisingly quick, much to Stiles' delight. He was woken up by his parents singing (yelling) happy birthday. Dean was brandishing a crown that read "18" and Castiel was holding a cupcake with a candle in it.

"Happy birthday kiddo." Dean grinned at the end of his duet with Cas, kissing Stiles on top of his head. Stiles blew out the candle and set the cupcake on his bedside table, pulling both his fathers in for a hug. Dean set the crown atop Stiles' head and bowed mockingly.

"Thanks dads." He joked, digging into his cupcake.
"There's second breakfast downstairs if you want it. We'll wait for you to open your presents." Castiel informed him, then left the room, Dean in tow.

Stiles grabbed his phone and checked his messages, there were a few informal happy birthdays from school friends, but he saved the two best messages until last. Scott's read;
'Happy b'day buddy, me+D have a surprise 4 u l8r!'

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