15: The Truth

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The minute the Camaro stopped in the clearing, he grabbed his bag from the seat next to him and rushed to the front door. Scott and Derek followed and opened it, Scott took his bag for him and ran upstairs with it. Derek placed a firm hand on his back and steered him into the kitchen.

"Have you texted your parents that you're here now?" Derek asked. Stiles nodded. "Listen, Stiles I'm so sorry, I lost control and I- Jesus what's wrong with me, do you want a glass of water? Are you okay?" Stiles had never seen him so discomposed, he was pacing back and forth running his hands through his hair.

He pulled at Derek's wrist, stopping him.
"Derek, I'm fine. Thanks to you, I'm fine." Derek seemed to relax little. Scott returned and sat down at the table with Stiles, Derek took a seat on his other side.
"What the hell happened back there?" He asked, worry written all over his face.

Stiles inhaled deeply, he was still a little shaken from what had happened. Derek put a hand on his forearm.
"You don't have to tell us right now."
"No it's fine." He replied. "Long story short, Jackson came onto me in a locked bathroom."

Scott's mouth fell open.
"Jackson?!" He cried. Stiles smiled wryly,
"Yeah I know, who'd have thought."
"I didn't look like he was just 'coming onto you' Stiles." Derek said quietly. Scott's focus changed to him.

"You saw? Wait, why were you even there?" Scott rambled. Stiles was interested to hear his answer so he stayed quiet.
"Uh, I didn't leave in case something happened." He said guiltily.
"But how did you know he was in trouble if I didn't sense it?"
"You know why." Derek muttered. Scott didn't look convinced. "Anyway it looked like he was doing things to Stiles he didn't want, so I stopped him."

"Well you more than freaking stopped him Derek. Let's just hope he doesn't remember who did it." Scott sighed, resting his head on his arms. "You sure you okay, Stiles?"
"I'm fine, a little hungry." He said hopefully, the Hale brothers laughed.
"Pizza?" Derek suggested and they nodded enthusiastically. Before Derek could leave the room to call the pizza place Scott stopped him.

"I think you need to explain to Stiles once we've eaten."
"Explain what?" Stiles asked, Derek looked extremely uncomfortable.
"Fine. After the food." He murmured, walking out.
"What's going on?" Stiles asked Scott. He simply shook his head.
"Don't worry about it right now, he'll explain later."

Stomachs full of pizza, the boys slumped on the chairs in the living room.
"So I guess I have some things to explain." Derek began, he could feel Scott watching him as he addressed Stiles. "I don't know whether you noticed or not, but the times I was conveniently there to save you from certain situations-" Stiles interrupted.

"Jackson, the pole, Jackson again." Derek felt his cheeks heat a little with the knowledge that Stiles knew exactly which times he was talking about.
"Ok so you do remember..." He paused for a moment, pondering how to continue. "The reason I knew you were in trouble was because my wolf is in tune with you." He explained.

"In tune with me? What does that mean? Why?" Stiles asked him, he looked confused.
"As in it knows how you're feeling, if you're in danger, that kind of thing..." He was avoiding answering his last question.
"Derek please get on with it and tell him or I will."
"Shut up, Scott." Stiles glanced between the two as if he was trying to keep up.

Taking a deep breath, he simply said it.
"Because you're my mate, Stiles. My wolf chose you." He stared at Stiles, awaiting his reaction. He didn't quite appear to understand what this meant, he sat there looking back at Derek, mouth slightly open.

"I'm not gonna pretend to know much about werewolves but I've watched enough discovery channel to know what that means." He said in a small voice. "It's a life thing right?" He asked, Derek nodded. "Jesus..." He whispered. Derek shot Scott a pointed look that said 'can you leave?' But Scott was awful at taking hints.

Luckily, Stiles got there first.
"Uh, Scott can I speak to Derek?"
"Sure." Scott said, but continued to sit.
"Alone?" Stiles added.

An offended look crossed his face, but he stood.
"I guess I'll just go for a run then." He said melodramatically and left the room, closing the front door loudly.
"Stiles you know you're not obligated to do anything about this right?" Derek was clearly concerned.
"I don't know how in tune you are with my feelings and stuff, but you must know I like you." He practically whispered.

Derek appeared mildly surprised, but didn't say anything.
"This is kind of embarrassing." Stiles sighed.
"What is?"

Stiles felt a ramble coming on but he couldn't stop it.
"Well obviously it's not actually you that likes me, it's just this weird wolfy thing you have no control over and it just happened to pick some awkward skinny seventeen year old." He began laughing nervously. "I guess it doesn't really matter, I mean it's not like I didn't know I had no chance without some crazy supernatural intervention."

Derek got up and crouched in front of him, Stiles avoided eye contact.
"Cuz you're obviously way out of my league but it was nice to think that you weren't and you actually liked-" suddenly strong hands were either side of his face and stubble scratched his chin and soft lips were touching his.

The kiss was warm and protective, it made him forget all about the horrific experience with Jackson and his insecurities. It was sincere and real, the way Derek held him was needy and wanting. His pressure was light, it felt insecure, Stiles finally regained control of his body kissed back.

Derek pulled back, breathing hard.
"It's not just my wolf, it's you. You're amazing Stiles." He murmured. Stiles hoped they had a good mop, because he'd just melted.

Irritation didn't even begin to cover what Scott was feeling. He ran through the woods, desperately trying to burn off some of his anger. Of course Derek would swoop in and steal his first real friend and make him his mate, it was as if he were in a strange romantic comedy and he was the butt of the joke.

He relished the cool air in his lungs and his thoughts began to rationalise. Of course Derek couldn't help who his wolf chose, it just infuriated him that it had to be Stiles. It was inevitable that he'd want to spend all his time with Derek now, seeing as Derek was so much better than he was.

He wondered if they'd tell Dean and Castiel, or even his mom. He was certain Dean wouldn't condone it, the man was far too protective of Stiles and didn't approve if Derek's age or the fact he was an alpha. He imagined Castiel would be a lot more accepting, but would take Dean's side in the end.

His mother on the other hand, he wasn't sure. She didn't have to deal with a lot wolf stuff now that they were older but she'd probably just be glad Derek capable of expressing affection. He didn't know if she'd stick up for Scott and say it was unfair for Derek to mate with his friend but then again it wasn't as if he'd chosen.

Wait. If Stiles agreed to, Derek would be mating with Stiles. 'Oh my God no' he thought. The images that flooded his mind were horrific, but where would they even... Seal the deal? There was no way in this lifetime that it would happen at Stiles' house, and although his house was a little more likely due to his mother's time consuming job as a nurse, he was still at home a lot.

This was slightly comforting, he could just about handle them being mates, let alone doing the deed. At least there were so little opportunities for them to do so. Scott returned to the house more relaxed, he put the thoughts of Stiles and Derek out of his mind for the remainder of the night.

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