Chapter 2: Waking Up

Comincia dall'inizio

She looked back at me, and smiled weakly. "Your going to be trained and made a part of the Spartan unit your brother is the head of. He's the Master Chief there. Don't worry, they allocated a lot of time for you to be trained, and get to the level of the others. Ten years at least. So be prepared..."

I breathed in, and exhaled, with a smile. "Okay. I can do this."

"Oh, and you'll be finishing what school you had left at a quick pace too. I bet you can handle it."

"I can."

2552- On the CRADLE above Reach

I paced. Why was this taking so long? I was supposed to be meeting with the Spartans on the Pillar of Autumn now, but I just had to wait for the Captain. He was finishing a meeting with one of the Admirals in the room adjacent to where I was. I could hear voices, even though the room was soundproofed.

He finally walked out, and I saluted. He saluted back, and said, "At ease. Follow me Doe."

"Yes sir."

I trailed slightly behind him, barely walking. I was much faster, much stronger, but I still had my social grace. That was one of the biggest parts of my training- how to be around others. I was going to be the special ops teammate- the one that communicates with groups to get the best outcome.

Now was my greatest challenge- working with my brother, code John 117, without freaking out. He was just my commanding officer. Just my commanding officer...


"Yes sir?"

"Are you ready?"

"What do you mean sir?"

"I mean, are you ready to meet your new commanding officer and his squad?"

"Not really sir."

"That's alright. You'll get used to them. They're an interesting bunch."

"Thank you sir."

"For what?"

"Being so nice."

"Ah, that's not problem kid. Your newer than anyone I've ever seen, and probably the smartest based on what I could see of your file."

"Thank you sir."


"Yes sir."

He opened the door, and I entered into the bay on the Pillar of Autumn that held all of the Spartans.

"OFFICER ON DECK!" I called. They stiffened into rank, and I let the Captain pass me. I followed behind, outside of the ranks, until he pointed at an empty spot next to a female Spartan. "There Doe."

Master Chief looked over at me, hearing his old last name. I fell into line.

"Welcome your new squad member Spartans. Her new code is Elizabeth-268. She is trained in ethics and communication, specifically to deal with outside agents. She is to be deployed only on missions with diplomatic purpose, or on missions where there might be some sort of diplomatic purpose. She will be bunking with you, so find a place for her. She does have the same strength and speed as you all as well, so don't worry about that effecting her performance. I'll leave you to get acquainted. Goodnight Spartans. Your dismissed."

We all fell out, and I stepped back. I didn't exactly know how everything worked around here yet. They all stared at me.

"Name?" Master Chief said.

"Elizabeth Doe."

"I can see your rank... Where are you from?"


"Alright... There's an open bunk right there. It's yours. Your bunking with Linda."

"Yes sir."

I put my small bag on the bunk, and watched them all go about their business. Chief seemed bothered by me, since I realized he must have recognized my name. Linda talked to him, then greeted me.

"Hello. I'm Linda."

"I'm Elizabeth. Or Beth. Nice to meet you."

I put out my hand, and she shook it. I smiled, and she smiled back.

"Let me introduce you to everyone else.. But John seems a bit distracted. He's our leader. Master Chief John-117. He's usually pretty chill around the rest of us."

I nodded. She introduced me to everyone else, and I fit in quickly. They seemed to like the change I brought to the team. I was able to change out of my uniform to something more comfortable, and Linda asked about my tattoo.

"Uh.... Yea... I've had that for a long time..."


"I was eight."

"How old are you now?"



"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."


Linda smiled at me, and put her hand on my shoulder. I smiled back, and walked with her to the main room.

Chapter 2/4 that I wrote all in one day! Enjoy! Oh and yes this book will have some of the same parts as before, but written a lot differently. There will be more dialogue and action. I'm rewriting the first part of Time Warp next too, since my writing style has changed a lot over the period of time I've been writing. Mostly the writing has been for myself and immediately deleted, so idk it's just how it is. :P enjoy the next parts!

Elizabeth, John's Sister (Halo FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora