An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Start from the beginning

Will leaves us with a final wave goodbye, his golden eyes bright. Haruhi helps me out of bed, her grip gentle and light. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I feel a rib pop in protest, sending a jolt of shock through my system. Haruhi pauses.

"I'm fine, just working the body." I wave her away, placing my feet on the ground.

She gives me a steady look before nodding. Haruhi was taking Will's words to heart. Her gaze followed me like a hawk, penatrating and intensive. "Are you going to ask?"

I pause, but remain in a bent postition. "How long was I out?"

"Three days."

I swallow, nodding my head. Three days. Three long days on Will.....again...I lefft him alone. Damn it! Bitting harshly down on my lip, I curse myself deeply and beat myself meantly. I'd promised I wouldn't leave him alone, no wonder he liked the blonde girl's company more than my own. I chuckle bitterly, irony setting in.


"It's fine, Haruhi, it's fine." I shrug indifferently.

She tsks, but doesn't comment. "Here, put on this cardigan." She hands me a dark blue sweater.

I grab them, the dark skinny jeans, and the white tank-top that was folded over my undergarments. Slidding into the beathroom I lock the door behind me and walk over to the mirror, disgarding the clothes beside me as I stare into my refelction. Pale grey skin streatches over my body in an unatractive way, making my silver-white hair and pale eyes cast me in the appearnce of being a ghost- a dead ghost.

Tears leak in the corner of my eyes, shimmering just below the surface. The only color to me were the dark bags under my eyes and the dab of pink that were my lips. What a horror I looked. I avoided my backside in fear of seeing the ugly scar on my back, seeing it would bring harmful memories to the surface. Tearing my gaze from the mirror before I did anything reckless I stripped from the hospital gown and began dressing.

"Almost ready?' A knock on the door alerts me to Haruhi.

"Yep, hold on a second, just let me get my jeans on!" I holler back, quickly jumping into them and slidding my socks on after.

I open the door and meet Haruhi's worried brown gaze. "I'm fine, honestly." I smile.

Haruhi returns it, but her eyes still remain worried. Finally, after staring at me for acouple of seconds she nods her head and leads me out the room and into the clean hallway. Nurses greeted Haruhi as she went, nodding to me in a friendly sort of way, but mostly towards Haruhi.

"They think I'm a boy." Haruhi explains, her mouth turning into a scowl.

"Then, let me help you." I grin. Linking my arms through Haruhi's, I lean my body closer and snuggle into her, causing some girl's to catch their breaths. Haruhi grinned impishly, her brown eyes glittering with mischeviousness.

"Meg! I've missed you." She whispered, taking me out of the hospital.

A car honked not that far away, two ginger haired boys popping into site. "Meg! Haruhi!" The twins call, amber eyes bright.

"Hikaru! Kaoru!" I smile back, my own breath leaving me. If the twins were here something big must be going on. Before I knew it the breath was knocked out of me and I was being traded from one pair of thin arms to another and ginger hair tickling my cheeks.

"It's good to see you awake, love." Hikaru's hot breath whispers in my ear.

I laugh against my will. "I look horrid."

"You can say that again." Kaoru smirks, eyeing me.

Still in Hikaru's hold I slap Kaoru in the arm, giving him the stink eye. "Thanks, Kaoru, real booster there."

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