Chapter 22: No Longer Safe

Start from the beginning

I sat there silently letting it sink in. One of my professors was dead. I didn't want to believe it but I had to. He was gone, another member of the Order, gone.

There was a knock on the door. I turned my head in its direction and saw Lee Jordan. He was in a suit like Fred and George. It was unusual seeing him dressed up since I've only ever seen him in his Hogwarts robes.

"Wedding's starting, get a move on," Lee told the twins. He then noticed me. "Iris, didn't know you were here. Good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Lee."

"Fred," Lee began. "you need to check it out down stairs, more veelas just showed up." Lee had a smirk on his face. I chuckled at them and their plans to talk to veelas.

"Boys," I said under my breath as I rolled my eyes. Fred looked at me then back at Lee.

"Brilliant," Fred said as we began to join the celebration.

The wedding was filled with people from each side of the family. The ceremony was extravagant and wonderful. Mrs. Weasley was so happy for Bill that she broke into tears of joy. Everyone clapped as the two shared their first kiss as a married couple. Lee whom was sitting next to me cheered at the top of his lungs. I couldn't help but laugh.

Soon after, the reception began. Food and drinks were set out. I began to see more familiar faces showing up. I spotted Remus and Tonks and decided to greet them.

"Professor Lupin, Tonks," I smiled. "it's great to see you."

"Iris, wonderful to see you as well," Remus responded.

"How's your aunt doing?" asked Tonks.

"She's doing fine, thanks for asking. Anyway, I wanted to say congratulations. I heard you two got married not too long ago." Tonks smiled and looked at the ground. She moved a strand of hair behind her ear then turned to Remus.

"Yes we did," Tonks smiled softly.

"Thank you," Remus said.

Remus glanced at Tonks with a look of serenity. He obviously enjoyed looking at her. Seeing her smiling face, her eyes filled with a glare of happiness. The way he looked at Tonks, I had seen it before, except, on a different face.

I wandered more and ran into Luna and her father, Xenophilius. He and Luna were much alike. It was a pleasure finally meeting him. Luna had talked so much about her father and The Quibbler, it's like I already knew him. They lived a few miles away and were close to the Weasleys. As her father went on more about The Quibbler, Luna kept picking at a bite she had received from a gnome on the way here. Later, I sat down with Lee as we watched Bill and Fleur dance.

"Did George tell you about the radios?" Lee asked.

"Radios? Those muggle objects, right?" I wanted to be sure.

"Yeah, well anyway, Arthur fixed some of them up. This way the Order can communicate without being tracked."

"But why radios?"

"Think about it, have you ever heard of Death Eaters eavesdropping on a muggle device before?" I shook my head. Lee grinned. "Exactly. We're no longer safe. We're resorting to using muggle devices to talk to one another. You should grab one before you leave. You can keep in touch with us," Lee explained.

"What do I have to tune into when I get it?" I kept asking Lee questions that I wanted answers to desperately.

"Just look for something called Potterwatch . . ." Lee whispers.

He gets up and joins Ginny to dance. I sit alone at the table messing around with the corners of my napkin. I wished Seamus was here so I wouldn't be so lonely. I looked around on the dance floor. Luna was dancing with her father. Their moves were a bit odd but they didn't care. They were enjoying themselves and that's all that mattered. I spotted Viktor Krum, seeker for the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team. He must have been invited for participating in the Tri-Wizard Tournament with Fleur three years ago. Viktor was talking with Hermione whom he used to have feelings for. I wondered was they were talking about but reminded myself it was none of my business.

An Unnoticed One [A Seamus Finnigan Fanfiction] [CURRENTLY BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now