Chapter 9: My Date for the Yule Ball

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After the dragon challenge, things started to cool down with everyone hating Harry. Everyone knew he'd be mad to put his name in the Goblet of Fire. The first task was done, now only two more to go. But before that, we're doing something special for Christmas: The Triwizard Tournament Yule Ball.

"Everyone partner up!" McGonagall hollered to the class. We had to learn to dance for the upcoming ball. Everybody was pairing up before my eyes and I stood there alone.

I walked up to McGonagall. "Professor, I don't have a partner," I said to her. She scanned the room for a lonely boy and spotted one.

"It seems Mr. Finnigan doesn't have a partner either." She pointed his location to me. "Now hurry up, we haven't got all day!"

I walked up to Seamus as I was told. He stood there with his hands awkwardly balled up into his trouser pockets, a look of relief etched across his face as he saw me walking over to partner up with him.

"McGonagall wants me to practice with you," I informed him. I'm glad I became close with Seamus or else this would be more awkward.

"Right, then," he nodded, getting into position.

He put his hand on my waist like he was instructed and I put my hands on his shoulders. I may of stepped on his foot once or twice. I didn't mind dancing, I just didn't like practicing it in front of people silently judging me.

"Are you excited?" Seamus asked as we stumbled around. "Um, about the Ball. Are you excited for the Ball?"

I shrugged, immediately shifting us away from Hannah Abbott and her partner who nearly collided with us. Seamus shrugged it off with a lighthearted laugh.

"I'd be more excited if I had a date. But this is a once in a life time opportunity," I answered. We stumbled more. He got distracted by listening to my response.

"No bloke asked you yet?"

I shook my head. "No, but I think Neville might. I won't say yes though. He and I are too good of friends, it'll be weird for me." I wrinkled my nose. I looked down at mine and Seamus's feet.

"Well," Seamus said shakily, "would you want to go to the Ball with me?" I looked up at him. The question got my attention. It would probably be fun to go with Seamus. And his was probably asking just to be a good friend.

"Yeah, sure," I answered in the most casual way. So it was official. I was Seamus's date for the Yule Ball.

Neville eventually did ask me after class. I told him in nicest way it didn't seem like the right move, but I told him Ginny Weasley was looking for a date and that he should ask her.

Seamus and I hung out more on our own. I'd show him around in my secret hideouts in the Forbidden Forest and we would stick together on trips to Hogsmeade. We were just getting to know each other better for the Yule Ball, discussing arrangements while simultaneously becoming closer.

My Aunt was aware of the ball so she sent me a dress. She bought it brand new from a tailor in Diagon Alley, describing what I liked as best as she could. Once it arrived in the mail I praised her for the outcome of the garment. It was a silky, navy blue dress that went down to my feet, embellished with faint sparkles that delicately tied the whole look together.

It was Christmas Day and the night of the ball had arrived. I walked from my dormitory to the common room to see Seamus waiting for me near the fireplace. He wore black dress robes and a blue tie that made his eyes stand out. I had to say, he looked rather handsome in his attire. He smiled when he saw me and I smiled back, eager to rush down to the Great Hall and dance. I pulled out a wrapped box I hid behind my back and handed it to him.

"Happy Christmas," I smiled. He grabbed the wrapped box and took out three sticks of fireworks. A huge smile grew on his face. "They're Wildfire Whiz-Bangs," I clarified, "I got them off of Fred and George."

"How'd you know I'd wanted fireworks?" he asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"You're a pyromaniac!" I chuckled.

"Thank you, Iris," he said sincerely. "I got your gift, it's in my dormitory, I'll go get it then we can head down to the Great Hall." Seamus muttered. He hurried to his dormitory, coming back down with a small box in hand.

He handed the gift box to me. "You didn't have to." I told him.

"I wanted to," he responded. "Open it."

I looked at him and then the box. I took off the lid and folded back the tissue paper. Burried underneath it was a small, oval-shaped, silver locket with a detailed vixen painted on the back of it. I remember briefly mentioned to Seamus that they were my favorite animal.

I looked at Seamus, a smile on my face and a loss for words. "This is amazing, Seamus. Thank you so much." I hugged him tight as his face nuzzled in the space between my neck and shoulder.

"Happy Christmas," he whispered. Seamus took the locket from my hand and put it around my neck. He then extended out his elbow out and we linked our arms together pretending to be the proper gentleman and young lady the school expected us to be, even though we'd rather set off the Wildfire Whiz-Bangs already.

When we arrived, the Great Hall was decorated with white and ice crystals everywhere, snow gracefully falling from the ceiling and evaporating into thin air above us. It was unbelievable how amazing it was. The whole night was fantastic- I had never danced so much in my life. Seamus seemed to have a lot of fun too as the band played on, dancing with me and groups of our friends.

Seamus grabbed my hand, spinning me around in front of him and pulling me back into him as my dizzy expression made him laugh. I took turns sharing dances with Dean, Neville, the twins, and the  girls from my dormitory, but Seamus and I continued to find our way back to each other during the Ball, even when crowd surfers overhead would not permit it. We could help but continue to share laughs and smiles as the night went on, almost wanting to take a break from dancing but we had no desire to leave each other's side on the dance floor.

Seamus and I were some of the last people at the ball. Dean had gone back to his dormitory a while ago and so did the twins. We rested at our table and talked to pass time.

"So who'd you root for at the Quidditch World Cup?" Seamus asked only paying attention to me.

"The Kenmare Kestrels, of course. They're my favorite team. What about you? Who'd you support?"

"I'm Irish, it's illegal for me not to like the Kestrels," he joked. I laughed at his sense of humor.

Soon we heard another song begin play, a much more delicate tune that had everyone on the dance floor slow dancing for the first time during the night.

"Do you want to dance some more before we go?" he asked me. Though I was dreadfully tired and could've fell asleep right then and there, I figured why not, and so we returned to the middle of the Hall and began to dance.

Seamus put his hand on my waist like he was instructed before, but I just wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulders. I was exhausted, but I was still having fun with him.

"Thank you, Seamus," I whispered.

"For what?" he inquired.

"Everything," I murmured, fighting off sleep. "For this great night, the locket, asking me out to the Ball-"

"I would have asked you no matter what"

". . . Really?"

"Of course . . . I care about you, Iris."

I lifted my head from his shoulders and stared into his blue eyes. His words were so sweet, I could still hear them ringing repeatedly in my ears like a song stuck in your head. I don't know if it was an overwhelming urge to do so or a mindless, fatigue induced decision that made me do it, but what happened next was unpredictable for the both of us.

I kissed Seamus.


DUN DUN DUN! It's happening! Or is it? Find out when I publish the next chapter. GAH, THE SUSPENSE! Anyway, if you liked this, make sure to comment and vote. And please tell me your thoughts and opinions, I'd love to hear them. Maybe give me suggestions of what to do in future chapters? I dunno, okay, bye!

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